face may no longer behold them: and thence wee observe that,
It is the duty of a people to remove all difficulties and op∣positions in the way, that so Christ may come and dwell with them: for so the Text carrieth it, either literally to take every thing away that may stop their speedy returne from Babylon, or typically, what should oppose the spirituall restauration of the Church, by the Messias; and so proportionably, whatsoever mountaine or valley may be in the way, where Christ is comming. As they threw gar∣ments in the way, and with much acclamation cryed, Hosanna, bles∣sed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord; so are we with all earnestnesse of affection, to cry, Blessed be that Reformation, which commeth in the name of the Lord; This also the Psalmist cryeth, Lift up your heads yee gates, that the King of glory may come in.
We will first shew what are the impediments, the hills and val∣leyes, that hinder Christs comming to reigne in his Church.
1 A corrupt judgement, as if there were no necessity of prepara∣tion, of Reformation; That was Laodicea's case, shee thought her selfe full, and rich, therefore she is counselled to buy eyesalve, Rev. 3. 18. Thus the Church of Rome is in a desperate disease, because she thinks she cannot be sick, she cannot erre: Thus all Reformation is accounted needlesse, what need we any more doe? As he said, many had been learned, if they had not conceited they were so; so many Churches had beene more pure and reformed, if they had not thought themselves reformed enough and therefore as for a particu∣lar person, Paul [saith, I had not known sinne, had not the Law said, Thou shalt not lust; so also may a Church say, I had not known this to bee an abuse, this to bee errour, had not the Scripture manife∣sted it.
2 Attending to carnall policy: This makes men vary according to State consideration; there are many men that can place their consci∣ences, as Diogenes bragged he could doe his Tub, which wayes soever the wind blew, he could turne the mouth of his barrell from it. There are a certaine people spoken of in story, that worship no set God, but the first thing they met with, Hodie tu Iupiter esto, cras mihi trun∣cus eris, To day this shall be good Divinity, to morrow error to day this shall be a reformation, to morrow turbulencie. This carnall re∣spect is a loadstone to many, Fac me Episcopum Romanum, & ero