Medicinal experiments, or, A collection of choice and safe remedies for the most part simple and easily prepared, useful in families, and very serviceable to country people
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691.


1. A Powerful Remedy in Apo∣plectick Fits.

TAke the Herb Mastick, and distil by an Alembick with a Copper Body an Essential Oyl, of which with such a Pipe or Quill Page  2 that one end may be open'd and stopt at pleasure, (the other still remaining open) blow up some drops, first into one of the Patient's Nostrils, and a while after into the other.

2. A good Plaister for Aches, especially Scorbutical.

SPread thinly upon Slinck or ve∣ry fine Kids-Leather the Em∣plastrum de Mucilaginibus, and let it lye upon the aching Part as long as there is need.

3. For an Old Ach or Strain.

TAke of Lucatella's Balsam one Ounce, of Oyl of Turpen∣tine one Dram, incorporate them very well with a gentle heat, and Page  3 anoint the Part affected therewith, wearing on it a piece of unwash'd Flannen besmear'd with the same Oyntment.

4. For Scorbutick Aches, espe∣cially about the Share-bone.

TAke two parts of Palm-Oyl, and one of Oyl of Camo∣mile, (to which if you please you may add a little Oyntment of Elder) mix these exactly, and anoint the Part affected.

5. A Powerful Remedy for Scorbutick Aches.

TAke to one Ounce of Oyl of Turpentine, one Dram or two of the Volatile Salt of Harts-horn, Page  4 or as much as being well ground with it in a Mortar of Glass or Marble, will bring it to the con∣sistence of a kind of Oyntment, with which, the cold being taken off, the Part affected is to be light∣ly anointed.

6. A very easie Medicine for light Scorbutick Aches or Pains.

ANoint the pained Part from time to time with fasting-spittle; and if you will have the Medicine a little stronger, the Patient may put Roch Allom to the bigness of a small Pea into his mouth, before he employs his Spittle.

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7. For Aches and pricking Pains in the Sides and else∣where.

WIth a sufficient quantity of clean Sulphur finely pou∣der'd, mix diligently as much Ve∣nice-Treacle as will bring it to a consistence for Pills. Of this Mix∣ture you may give the quantity of a Pistol-bullet twice, or at most, thrice a day, drinking any conve∣nient Liquor after it.

8. An Experienc'd Medicine for an Anasarca, or General Dropsie of the whole Body.

FRY freshly-gather'd Rue with Oyl of Walnuts, till it be∣come Page  6 fit to be applyed hot as a Ca∣taplasm or Pultice to the Navil; and keep it on that part for some hours, renewing it once or twice a day, if need require.

9. An External Medicine of∣ten successfully try'd for A∣gues.

TAke 5, 7, or 9 (for 'tis pre∣tended it must be an odd Number) of the Roots of Rib∣wort, and having made them clean, put them into a little Bag of Sars∣net or fine Linnen, and let the Pa∣tient wear it upon the nape of his Neck, renewing it within 2, 3, or 4 days if need require.

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10. A try'd Remedy for Agues.

TAke of the Bark of Sassafras-Root, and of Virginian Snake∣weed, both in pouder, of each 10 Grains, and with half a Dram, or two Scruples of Mithridate or Venice-Treacle, or as much as will give it a due consistence, make a Bolus to be taken at the usual hours.

11. A Choice Medicine for Aguish Distempers.

TAke of Salt of Wormwood 15 Grains, Crabs-eyes, or Pouder of Crabs Claws simple 8 or 10 Grains; mix these well, and give them in two or three Spoon∣fuls of some Cordial Water.

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12. An Excellent Wrist-Plai∣ster for Agues.

TAke Wax, and spread it to about the thickness of a Crown Piece of Silver, and of a convenient breadth and length to make an entire Wrist-Plaister; up∣this spread and display as well as you can the Leaves of the tops of Rue, not yet fully open'd by time, so that they may cover the whole Plaister as well as you can make them do it. Then apply this Em∣plaster, and let it lye on for seve∣ral days consecutively.

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13. An often-try'd Medicine for Agues.

TAke Ribwort, gather the leaves as near the Root as you can in a dry Morning, wipe them clean, but do not wash them; then dry them carefully, till you may re∣duce them to Pouder: Of this Pou∣der give from one Dram to two at most, mixt with one Dram of Con∣serve of Roses, or the Crumbs of White-bread, or the Yolk of an Egg or two. N. B. You may before you dry the Leaves, distil a Water out of some of them, and make an Extract out of others with Spirit of Wine, or which is better, with Spi∣rit of Dew. They are both good for the same Disease that the Pou∣der is. The Dose of the Water is one Ounce, or an Ounce and half Page  10 at the usual times. And that of the Extract about one Dram in some Ounces of White-wine.

14. An Excellent Medicine for Agues, especially Tertians.

GIve as much of well-condition'd Virginian Snake-Root reduc'd to fine Pouder, as will lye upon a Shilling, in a Cup of Sherry just before the beginning of the cold Fit, repeating it once or twice if it need to be us'd oftner.

15. For a Tertian Ague.

TAke of the Root of Angelica grated, or otherwise made into Pouder, and give of it from half a Dram to a Dram in any convenient Vehicle at the usual Page  11 times (viz. about two hours be∣fore the Cold Fit.)

16. A Medicine with which a Quartan was cur'd, that could not be cured with the Jesuits Bark.

TAke one Dram of the black tips of Crabs Claws, and having reduc'd them to exceeding fine Pou∣der, let the Patient take it in any convenient Vehicle or Conserve, twice or thrice, as he would take the Cortex, without intermitting any day.

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17. An easie Remedy, which long continued does much de∣stroy Acidities, or Heart∣burnings in the Stomach.

TAke half a Dram at least of fine∣ly pouder'd red Corral, and give it from time to time in any convenient Vehicle, till the Patient be reliev'd.

18. A very often try'd Reme∣dy for the Asthma.

TAke Soap-boilers Lees (made with Pot-Ashes and Quick∣lime) one part, Spirit of Wine rectify'd two parts; set them in Digestion, (to unite them well) and then add some drops (at di∣scretion) Page  13 of Chymical Oyl of Car∣raways, and if you please, of Ani∣seeds too. The Dose in younger Persons is about 10 drops, in elder ones, from half a Dram to one Dram in some convenient Vehicle.

19. An Excellent Medicine for a dry or Covulsive Asthma.

TAke choice Saffron, reduce it (by rubbing it in a Stone or Glass Mortar) to a kind of Pouder, and with any convenient Mixture give 8 or 10 Grains of it in the form of Pills at Bed-time.