The compleat French-master for ladies and gentlemen being a new method, to learn with ease and delight the French tongue, as it is now spoken in the court of France, in three parts, I. A short and plain grammar, II. A vocabulary, familiar dialogues, the niceties of the French tongue, and twelve discourses ... III. Four collections ...
Boyer, Abel, 1667-1729.
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§ 4. Of Pronouns Interrogative.

PRonouns interrogative are used to ask any question, and are but three in French, viz.

Qui? Who? Quel? Which? Quoy? What?
Qui,Who, whom.Quoi,What.
De qui,Of or from whom.De quoi,Of or from what.
A qui,To whom.A quoi,To what.
Quel? Quelle? Which? What?
Masc.Fem. Masc.Fem. 
Quel,Quelle, What, which.Quels,Quelles, Which.
De quel,De quelle, Of or from which.De quels,De quelles, Of or from which.
A quel,A quelle, To which.A quels,A quelles, To which.