The gentlemans recreation in two parts : the first being an encyclopedy of the arts and sciences ... the second part treats of horsmanship, hawking, hunting, fowling, fishing, and agriculture : with a short treatise of cock-fighting ... : all which are collected from the most authentick authors, and the many gross errors therein corrected, with great enlargements ... : and for the better explanation thereof, great variety of useful sculptures, as nets, traps, engines, &c. are added for the taking of beasts, fowl and fish : not hitherto published by any : the whole illustrated with about an hundred ornamental and useful sculptures engraven in copper, relating to the several subjects.
Blome, Richard, d. 1705.
Of Sickness in General.

WHensoever you perceive your Horse to forsake his Meat, to Droop, or shew any Symptom of Sickness, if it be not great, forbear letting Blood, which is a great weakning of the Spirits; but if the Signs be great and dangerous, then let Blood immediately; and for three Mornings together (the Horse being Fasting) give him half an Ounce of a Powder called Diabexaple, brewed either in a Pint of fine Syrup of Sugar, or for want thereof the like quantity of Molosses; also a Pint of Dragon-Water, or Carduus-Water, or a Quart of sweet strong Alewort will do as well; This Drench give him in a Horn, and if he is of ability of Body, Ride him after it in some warm place, suffering him to Fast about two hours: At Noon give him a sweet Mash, Clothe him warm, and let him not drink cold Water.

This Diahexaple Powder being not commonly known, and by consequence not rightly pre∣pared, I shall here give the Receipt to make it.

Take of the Grains of Ivory, Paradice and Myrrh, of the Roots Gentian, Enula Campana and Turmerick, of each a like quantity; then beat and searce them into a subtile Powder, and give him such a quantity thereof as before directed. This comforts and strengthens the inward Parts, helps the Lungs, resists putrefaction of Humors, opens Obstructions, and if taken in time, not only re∣covers him, but prevents many Distempers.