Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical, & theological, hitherto sleeping, of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban according to the best corrected coppies : together with His Lordships life
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626., Rawley, William, 1588?-1667.

Touching the Provision, for sufficient Maintenance, in the Church.

TOuching Church Maintenance, it is well to be weighed, what is, Iure Divino, and what, Iure Positivo. It is a Constitution, of the Divine Law, from which humane Lawes, cannot derogate; That those, which feed the flock, should live of the Flock; That those, that serve, at the Altar, should live of the Altar; That those, which dispense spirituall things, should Reap Temporall Things; Of which, it is also an Appendix, that the Proportion, of this Maintenance, be not small, or necessitous, but Plentifull, and Liberall. So then, that all the Places, and Offices, of the Church, be provided, of such a Dota∣tion, that they may be maintained, according to their severall Page  252Degrees, is a Constitution, permanent, and perpetuall: But for particu∣larity, of the Endowment, whether it should consist of ithes, or Lands, or Pensions, or Mixt, might make a Question, of Convenience, but no Question, of precise Necessity. Again, that the Case, of the Church, de facto, is such, that there is want, in the Church, of Patri∣mony, is confessed. For the Principall Places, namely, the Bi∣shops Livings, are, in some particulars, not sufficient; And there∣fore, enforced, to be supplyed, by Tolleration of Commendams, Things, of themselves, unfit, and ever held of no good Report. And as for the Benefices, and Pastours Places, it is manifest, that very many of them, are very weak, and penurious. On the o∣ther side, that there was a Time, when the Church, was rather burthened, with Superfluity, then with Lack, that is likewise ap∣parent; But it is long since; So as the Fault, was in others, the Want redoundeth unto us. Again, that it were to be wished, that Impropriations, were returned to the Church, as the most Pro∣per, and Naturall, Endowments thereof, is a Thing likewise, wher∣in Mens Judgements, will not much vary. Neverthelesse, that it is an Impossibility, to proceed now, either to their Resumption, or Redemption, is as plain on the other side. For Men are stated in them, by the Highest Assurance, of the Kingdome, which is, Act of Parliament; And the value of them, amounteth, much above ten Subsidies: And the Restitution must, of Necessity, passe their Hands, in whose Hands they now are, in possession, or Interest.

But of these things, which are manifestly true, to infer, and ground, some Concluions. First, in mine own Opinion, and Sense, I must confesse, (let me speak it with Reverence,) that all the Parliaments, since 27o. and 31o. of H. 8. (who gave away Im∣propriations, from the Church,) seem to me, to stand, in a sort, ob∣noxious, and obliged, to God, in Conscience, to do somewhat for the Church; To reduce the Patrimony thereof, to a Competency. For since, they have debarred, Christes Wife, of a great part, of her Dowry, it were Reason, they made her, a competent Ioynture. Next to say, that Impropriations, should be onely charged; That carrieth, neither Possibility, nor Reason. Not Possibility, for the Reasons touched before: Not Reason, because, if it be concei∣ved, that if any other Person be charged, it should be a Re-charge, or Double-charge, in as much, as he payeth Tithes, already, that is a Thing mistaken. For it must be remembred, that as the Realm, gave Tithes, to the Church; So the Realm, since again, hath given Tithes, away from the Church, unto the King: As they may give their 8th Sheaf, or Ninth Sheaf. And therefore, the fist Gift, be∣ing evacuated, it cannot go, in defeazance, or discharge, of that perpetuall Bond, wherewith Men are bound, to maintain Gods Ministers. And so, we see, in Example, that divers Godly, and well Disposed, People, not Impropriatours, are content, to encrease, their Preachers Livings; which, though in Law, it be but a Benevo¦lence, yet, before God, it is a Conscience. Further, that Impropri∣ations,Page  253 should not be, somewhat, more deeply, charged, then o∣ther Revenues, of like value, me thinks, cannot well be denied; Both, in regard, of the Ancient claim of the Church; And the In∣tention, of the first Giver; And again, because they have passed, in valuation, between Man and Man, somewhat, at the lesse rate, in regard, of the said pretence, or Claim, of the Church, in Conscience, before God. But of this Point, touching Church-Maintenance, I do not think fit, to enter into further Particularity, but reserve the same, to a fitter Time.

Thus have I, in all Humblenesse, and Sincerity of Heart, to the best of my understanding, given your Majesty, Tribute, of my Cares, and Cogitations, in this Holy Businesse; So highly tending to Gods Glory, your Majesties Honour, and the Peace, and Welfare, of your States. Insomuch, as I am perswaded, that the Papists them∣selves, should not need, so much, the Severity of Penall Lawes, if the Sword of the Spirit, were better edged, by strengthening the Authority, and suppressing the Abuses, in the Church.

To conclude, renewing my most Humble Submission, of all that I have said, to your Majesties, most High Wisdome; And again, most humbly, craving pardon, for any Errours, committed in this Writing; which, the same weakness, of Judgement, that suffered me to commit them, would not suffer me to discover them; I end, with my Devout, and Fervent, Prayer to God; That, as he hath, made your Majesty, the Corner-stone, in joyning, your two Kingdomes; So you may be also, as a Corner-stone, to unite, and knit together, these Differences, in the Church, of God; To whose Heavenly Grace, and never erring, Direction, I commend your Ma∣jesties Sacred Person, and all your Doings.