Blagraves astrological practice of physick discovering the true way to cure all kinds of diseases and infirmities ... being performed by such herbs and plants which grow within our own nation ... : also a discovery of some notable phylosophical secrets worthy our knowledge, relating to a discovery of all kinds of evils, whether natural or ... from sorcery or witchcraft, or by being possessed of an evil spirit, directing how to cast forth the said evil spirit out of any one which is possessed, with sundry examples thereof
Blagrave, Joseph, 1610-1682.

The way to find the disease by the Sun and Moon afflicted.

In the first place by an Almanack take notice, what sign the Moon is in, when the Sick first takes their bed, and by what planet or planets she is afflicted, whether of Saturn or Mars (or Mercury, which is much of the nature of Saturn) Then having recourse unto the rules elsewhere in this Book under the titles of the Moon by Saturn or Mars afflicted; there you shall find the disease and the cause thereof. The Almanack, which you use herein must be such a one which setteth forth the daily motions of the planets: I shall give one or two examples hereof, as followeth, A Friend of mine took his bed the 10th day of October 1667 at a quarter past one a clock after noon, the Moon being of nine degrees in Sagitary and Mars in eight degrees thirty five minutes in Virgo, which argueth that Mars is in platick square to the Moon, we call that a platick aspect, which doth not perfect∣ly accord in degrees and minutes, and if Mars had been but one degree in Virgo, yet we should account it a pla∣tick Square, by reason that the Orbs, Rayes, or Influence of the Moon unto any planet doth begin to opperate, when she is within ten degrees aspecting any planet (as is shewed at large elsewhere) Now to find the Grief with its cause, you must repair unto the place in this book intituled, The Moon in Sagitary of Mars oppressed, as in page 57 which shew∣eth that the Sick is tormented with a strong fever and cho∣lerick passions, &c. occasioned by surfeiting or too much re∣pletion as there more at large appeareth: the next thing con∣siderable is to know whether the Sick shall live or die, and the time when either death or recovery may be expected: Now in regard that the Moon is applying by a friendly Sex to as∣pect unto Venus a fortune, and free from combustion and not in that part of the Zodiack called via combusta (as shall be shewed more at large elsewhere) I did conclude that the sick would re∣cover (and so he did) had the Moon applyed unto the infortus ♄ or and no fortune interposed his friendly Rays, then I should have concluded that the sick would have died of this sickness, to know when the time of recovery will be is found by a critical Page  22 figure or circle divided into 16 equal parts, I shall not stand or spend time to give you the definition of each term of art; Onely thus much I say, the intercidental time, or divident part of the circle is not so dangerous, as the judicial time or part, nor yet the judicial time so dangerous as the critical time.

The: Cui Steali. Cirk¦le of 1C equall pts Begining whear The moon WES at The lecum Litus Doict ♏ ♐ 4/9

Note, That in this critical figure each part containeth 22 deg. 30 min. you must begin where the Moon was at the de∣cumbiture, viz. in 9 deg. ♐ unto which you must add 22. deg. 30 min. Now in regard there is 30 deg. in every sign you most set down 1 deg. 30 min. Capricorn for the first intercidental time into which 1 deg. 30 min. you must add 22 deg. 30 min. which maketh 24 Capricorn, for the first judicial time: Now if you Page  23 add 22 deg. 30 min. unto the last number it maketh 6 deg. 30 min. Aquarius, which is the second interciden∣tal time and if you add 22 deg. 30 min. unto the last num∣ber, it maketh 9 deg. Pisces, which is the first crisis or mortal time, according unto which account you must go round the circle, as appeareth by the figure, now to know when the time of recovery will be you must observe by a cri∣tical figure, when the Moon upon a critical day doth meet with any friendly aspect of either of the fortunes, viz. Ju∣piter or Venus or Sol or Leo, for then the time of recovery may be expected. This critical figure being set for a friend of mine at the time aforesaid. I did observe each change, and alteration of his distemper; and I alwayes found that upon the critical and judicial dayes and times, he was ever most afflicted. The reason is because the Quartiles, Oppositi∣ons, and Semi-quartile aspects are more pernitious and hate∣ful aspects, then any other, as the intercidental times, which happen between the critical and judicial times consisting on∣ly of 22 deg. and a half, which we call a Semi Semi Quartile as∣pect, they seldom prove mortal, by reason the aspect is not so bad and forceable as the other, it being but half the half quartile aspect, yet notwithstanding sometimes in perpera∣cute mortal sicknesses, I have known the Sick depart, when the Moon came unto a partile evil aspect of the infortunes, no fortune interposing their friendly rayes upon an interce∣dental time, but this is not usual; but as concerning the time of recovery of my Friend before mentioned it was upon the fourth and last critical day, the Moon being returned un∣to the place she was in at the decumbiture: at which time she applyed to the Sextile of Venus and Trine of Jupiter, which happened upon the sixt day of November after midnight, would my friend have been let blood, he might questionless have recovered upon the second crisis, at what time the moon applyed to the Trine of Venus, now had this Sickness conti∣nued longer, than we account the grief Chronick, and then we give judgement by the Sun afflicted, as before we did by the Moon But all acute griefs do end usually before the moon goeth round the Zodiack; some griefs are per∣acute and those end sooner, others are perperacute, and those commonly make a quick dispatch one way or other. But of this I have treated more at large elsewhere.