Blagraves astrological practice of physick discovering the true way to cure all kinds of diseases and infirmities ... being performed by such herbs and plants which grow within our own nation ... : also a discovery of some notable phylosophical secrets worthy our knowledge, relating to a discovery of all kinds of evils, whether natural or ... from sorcery or witchcraft, or by being possessed of an evil spirit, directing how to cast forth the said evil spirit out of any one which is possessed, with sundry examples thereof
Blagrave, Joseph, 1610-1682.

W. W.

  • Wind to expel: angelica alexanders, aniseed baise, dil ele∣campane, balsome birth wort bryony, cammomil, fether∣few fennel, masterwort, mililot carawaies, carmint, cin∣namon, coffee, cummin, dragons, mints, oats, parsley, el∣der-buds, galingale, garlick ginger, hemp seed, holly, rose, hissop, juniper, ivy, loveage, jack by the hedge, winter, and summer savory, valerian, walnuts, nutmeg pepper, pock∣weed red-poppy, rosemary, rue, safron, sage, tobacco, tansie, time, toothwort wormwood, motherwort, zedoary vine, tamarish.
  • Whites or reds to stay: agrimony, adders-tongue, red-beets, red arch-angel, snake-weed cinkfoil, comfrey, liver-wort, red-roses, mirtle, oak, rosa solis or sun dew, rosemary-flowers.
  • Womb to open and cleanse: angelica, bishops-weed, balsame, betony, birch-tree, birthwort briony, fetherfew, butchers-boom, cammomil fennel-figs, flower de-luce, lavender, Page  113 dogs-mercury, mandrake, rue, mouse ear, savin, vine.
  • Worms to kill: agrimony, aloes arrow-head, arsmart, sweet-apples, pearmain and pippin, butter-bur, celandine, de∣vils-bit, box calamint, century, ivy-berries, onions, dane-wort, horse-radish, wormwood, garlick, wormseed, fether∣few, eglantine elecampane, fern, gall of an ox, hazel-tree, hemp, henbane hops, horehound hissop, juniper, laven∣der, sweet-maudlin mustard, rocket, rhubarb, southern∣wood tobacco, tansey, time, vervain, walnut-tree, wolfs-bane, zedoary. Make a plaister with wormwood, garlick, celandine, fetherfew, and mints, stampt together with the gall of an ox and vinegar; apply this plaisterwise to the bel∣ly, and it will both kill and bring forth the worms.
  • Wounds green to help: adders-tongue, agrimony, wood bi∣tony, birds-foot, blew bottles, al-heal, arsmart, broom, bu∣gloss, celandine, cranes-bil, diers-weed, elecampane, elm, plantane, bugle, burnet, fluellin, fox-gloves, herb true love, hissop, Saint James wort, Saint Johns wort, lungwort, me∣lilot, mallows, moss, orpine, self-heal, sensitive herb, to∣bacco, yarrow, shepheards-purse, trefoil, clowns wound-wort, comfrey, cud-weed, sanicle, devils-bit, fern, fig-wort or throat-wort, hounds-tongue, loose-strife, pear-tree.
  • Wounds, inflamations to asswage: adders-tongue, chick-weed, daisy, hore-hound, loosestrife, one blade, straw-berries, ve vain, yarrow, balm-apple housleek, sopewort, primrose orpine, purslain.
  • Wounds to heal: asarabacca, balm-apple balsame, baum, bears-ears, addars-tongue, birds eye, blew-bottle, arsmart, bu∣gle, buglosse, burnet, cranes-bil, crossewort, daisie, fern, elder-buds or flowers, golden-rod, herb two-pence, bea s∣ears, horehound, Saint Johns wort, ivy, hounds-tongue, loosestrife, lungwort, madder, mastick. maudlin, costmary, moonwort, oak, plantane, rue, sanicle, self heal, satirion, Solomons seal, southernwood, sun dew or rosa solis, to men∣til, turpentine, valerian, twayblade, woad, yarrow, zedo∣ary, wood-roof, tobacco, ladies mantle, clowns-wound-wort, fox-gloves, hissop.