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Title:  Prince Arthur an heroick poem in ten books / by Richard Blackmore ...
Author: Blackmore, Richard, Sir, d. 1729.
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'Gainst whom she burns with unextinguish'd Rage,Nor can th' exhausted World her Wrath asswage.Then thus the Fury Persecution spake:I mighty Prince of Hell, will undertakeThis glorious Work, I quickly will inspireHoel, with my ungovernable Fire.Without remorse he shall my Will Obey,And crush this Briton, now his easie Prey.Nero by me rais'd his Illustrious Name,And Dioclesian got Immortal Fame.I their rude, inbred Cruelty refin'd,And stampt my perfect Image on their Mind.My flames all Love's course mixture did destroy,And purg'd off soft Compassion's base alloy;I form'd and disciplin'd their untaught Hate,And rais'd their fierceness to a perfect State.Where shame, and all reflecting Sense is lost,And Hell can't purer strains of Malice boast.Inexorable they all Cries withstood,Ravish'd with Slaughter, and regal'd with Blood.Hard marble Rocks might with more ease relent,And Fire and Plague, learn sooner to repent.Then Christian Kings my Fury entertain'd,And taught by me, in Blood and Slaughter reign'd.With pious Rage and fierce destructive Zeal,I first inspir'd their Minds, and did revealThe mystery, how deep Revenge to take,And slay the Servants for the Master's sake.How bloody Wrath might with Devotion joyn,And sacred Zeal with Cruelty combine.By me the unknown way they understood,T' attone the Christians God, with Christian Blood.0