The Psalmes of David from the new translation of the Bible turned into meter to be sung after the old tunes used in the churches : unto which are newly added the Lord's prayer, the Creed, the Ten commandments, with some other ancient hymnes.
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The Psalmes of David from the new translation of the Bible turned into meter to be sung after the old tunes used in the churches : unto which are newly added the Lord's prayer, the Creed, the Ten commandments, with some other ancient hymnes.
King, Henry, 1592-1669.
London :: Printed by S.G. and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley ...,
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"The Psalmes of David from the new translation of the Bible turned into meter to be sung after the old tunes used in the churches : unto which are newly added the Lord's prayer, the Creed, the Ten commandments, with some other ancient hymnes." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 13, 2024.
PSAL. XX. (Book 20)
THe Lord in thy afflictions dayGive eare when thou dost pray.
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The Name of Iacob's God defend,On whom thy hopes depend.
Help from His Sanctuary send,And strength from Sion lend.
Thy Gifts in His remembrance prize;Accept thy sacrifice.
May He, who comforts doth inspire,Grant thee thy heart's desire:Make thee enjoy thy wishes still;Thy counsailes all fulfill.
With thankfull and triumphant voyceWe in Thy help rejoyce:And in Thy Name our banners reare,Who wilt thy servants heare.
Now know I, God, who power gave,Doth His Annointed save.He heares from Heav'n, and His right handMakes him in safety stand.
Some in their armed Chariots force,Some put their trust in horse:But we remember will the Lord,Whose Name doth strength afford.
They are brought down, and fall'n in war;We rays'd in triumph are.
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O save us Lord, great Heavens King,Heare those requests we bring.
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