The Psalmes of David from the new translation of the Bible turned into meter to be sung after the old tunes used in the churches : unto which are newly added the Lord's prayer, the Creed, the Ten commandments, with some other ancient hymnes.

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The Psalmes of David from the new translation of the Bible turned into meter to be sung after the old tunes used in the churches : unto which are newly added the Lord's prayer, the Creed, the Ten commandments, with some other ancient hymnes.
King, Henry, 1592-1669.
London :: Printed by S.G. and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley ...,

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Bible. -- O.T. -- Psalms. -- English. -- King. -- 1654.
Psalms (Music)
Hymns, English.
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"The Psalmes of David from the new translation of the Bible turned into meter to be sung after the old tunes used in the churches : unto which are newly added the Lord's prayer, the Creed, the Ten commandments, with some other ancient hymnes." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 17, 2024.


PSAL. XIX. (Book 19)

THe Heavens high declare the fame Of God, who did them frame.
One day another tels, and night His wonders doth recite.
They have no language, yet they teach, Without or tongue, or speech:
And through the earth their sound is gone To every Nation.
God in the Circle of those spheares A Tabernacle reares;

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In which the swift, unweary'd Sun His daily course may run.
Who, as a Bridegroome freshly deckt, Doth on the world reflect: And, as a Giant strong in might, Darts forth his piercing light.
He breaking from the Easterne skies Doth from his Chambers rise: And till his beames declining set, Nothing can shun his heat.
Gods Law is incorrupt, and whole; Converting every Soule. His faithfull promise never dies; And makes the simple wise.
The Statutes of the Lord are right, And drooping hearts delight. Both pure, and perfect, His command Gives light to understand.
Most unpolluted is His feare, Eternall, and sincere. The judgments of the Lord are fixt; With Truth and Justice mixt.
More to be wish'd then golden mines, When them the test refines:

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And more then hony that distills, The mouth with sweetnessefills.
By These Thy servant warned is, Oft as he goes amisse: Which yeeld a plentifull reward To all that Them regard.
Who knowes how often he offends? How far his sin extends? Lord cleanse my Soule from crimes conceal'd, To none but Thee reveal'd.
Keep me, that no presumptuous staine May ore Thy Servant reigne. Then shall I walke in innocence, Free from the great offence.
O Lord! my only strength and tow'r, Who sav'st me by Thy pow'r; Let all my words, and thoughts, by Thee Heard, and accepted be.
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