The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm.

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The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm.
Oxford :: Printed by Leonard Lichfield ...,

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Bible. -- O.T. -- Psalms -- Paraphrases, English.
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"The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


The Prayer.

O Lord God, Iudge of the world, to whom vengeance belongeth and the execution of righteous judgements, have mercie upon us, cha∣sten us with thy gentlenesse and fatherly correcti∣on when we sin against thee, teach ulin thy law, be our refuge and our confidence in our troubles, and give us patience in times of adversitie, that in the multitude of sorrowes thy comforts may refresh us, thy mercies may relieve us, thy grace

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may pardon and confirme us, that our feet slip not, and our soules be not put to silence. Have pittie upon all distressed and miserable people, do justice upon all that murder the widow, that put the fatherlesse to death, that grinde the face of the poore. Faile not thy people, O Lord, and for∣sake not thine inheritance, but destroy the devi∣ces of all them that imagine mischiefe as a law, and are confederate against the righteous, to con∣demne the innocent, to discountenance Religi∣on, to disadvantage thy worship and service, that in the day of eternall vengeance when thou shalt reward the proud after their deserving, and the pit be digged for the ungodly, we may have the lot of thine inheritance, and reigne in the fellow∣ship of Saints who give honour and praise to thee, O Lord God Almighty, world without end. Amen.

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