The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm.

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The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm.
Oxford :: Printed by Leonard Lichfield ...,

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Subject terms
Bible. -- O.T. -- Psalms -- Paraphrases, English.
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"The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


The Prayer.

O Lord God of hosts, who dwellest in the heavens, seated in essentiall and eternall felicities; fill our hearts with desires and longings to enter into those Courts where thou sittest, at∣tended with the beauteous orders of Angells, and millions of beautified spirits; and that our de∣sires may receive infinite satisfactions, give us thy helpe, that we going through the vale of mi∣sery, the pooles may be filled with water, our hearts and eyes may runne over with teares of repentance and overflow with sorrow and contri∣tion for our sinnes, that we living a godly life, going from strength to strength, from vertue to vertue, at last we may appeare in Sion unto the God of Gods, beholding the face of thine anoin∣ted, thy Christ, and our Iesus, and may dwell one day in thy Courts, even all the long day of eter∣nity, through the same Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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