The Prayer.
O Lord God of hosts, who dwellest in the heavens, seated in essentiall and eternall felicities; fill our hearts with desires and longings to enter into those Courts where thou sittest, at∣tended with the beauteous orders of Angells, and millions of beautified spirits; and that our de∣sires may receive infinite satisfactions, give us thy helpe, that we going through the vale of mi∣sery, the pooles may be filled with water, our hearts and eyes may runne over with teares of repentance and overflow with sorrow and contri∣tion for our sinnes, that we living a godly life, going from strength to strength, from vertue to vertue, at last we may appeare in Sion unto the God of Gods, beholding the face of thine anoin∣ted, thy Christ, and our Iesus, and may dwell one day in thy Courts, even all the long day of eter∣nity, through the same Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.