The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm.

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The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm.
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"The Psalter of David with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


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PSALME 79. (Book 79)

A Prayer that God would deliver his Church from the cruelty of all her persecutors.


O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance: thy holy temple have they defiled, and made Ierusalem an heap of stones.

2 The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the aire: and the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the land.

3 Their blood have they shed like water on e∣very side of Ierusalem: and there was no man to bury them.

4 We are become an open shame to our ene∣mies: a very scorn and derision unto them that are round about us.

5 Lord, how long wilt thou be angry: shall thy iealousie burn like fire for ever?

6 Poure out thine indignation upon the hea∣then that have not known thee: and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy namē.

7 For they have devoured Iacob: and laid waste his dwelling place.

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8 O remember not our old sinnes, but have mercy upon us, and that soon: for we are come to great misery.

9 Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: O deliver us, and be mercifull unto our sinnes for thy names sake.

10 Wherefore do the heathen say: Where is now their God?

11 O let the vengeance of thy servants bloud that is shed: be openly shewed upon the heathen in our sight.

12 O let the sorrowfull sighing of the priso∣ners come before thee: according to the great∣nesse of thy power preserve thou those that are ap∣poynted to die.

13 And for the blasphemy wherewith our neighbours have blasphemed thee: reward thou them (O Lord) seven fold into their bosome.

14 So we that be thy people, and sheep of thy pasture, shall give thee thanks for ever: and will alway be shewing forth thy praise from generati∣on to generation.

The Prayer.

O Lord God of thine inheritance, who con∣veyest many blessings to the children of men, by the prayers and ministery of thy Church, let our Prayers obtain of thee mercies and deli∣verances

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for her. O Lord thou hast planted thy Church in the humility, and poverty, and death of thy Sonne, thou hast watered it with the blood of thy Apostles and Martyrs, thou hast made it flourish, and spread forth its branches, by the warmth, and heate, and graces of thy holy spirit, and hast according to thy promise, still preserved it in the midst of all enmities and disadvantages. Thy Lawes and righteous commandements have been a scorn and derision to Iewes and Gentiles, the flesh of thy servants have been meat for the beasts of the Land, and still she weares the pur∣ple robe of mockery, and the crowne of thornes which at first she took from the head and side of her Dearest Lord: At last, O Lord, be gratious un∣to thine inheritance, help us, ô God of our salvati∣on, for the glory of thy Name, let not thine ene∣mies devour the Church, and lay wast her dwel∣ling places: be mercifull unto our sinnes, pre∣serve all those that by malice of their enemies are appoynted to death, or prison, or any other mise∣ry: let us still enjoy the freedom of thy Gospell, the food of thy word, the sweet refreshings of thy Sacraments, publike Communions in thy Church, and all the benefits of the society of Saints, and let not our sinnes cause thee to remove the Can∣dlestick from us, but make thy people and the sheep of thy pasture secure and glad in thy salva∣tion,

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that we may shew forth thy praise in this world, and in the world to come, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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