The Prayer.
O Almighty God, whose goodnesse endureth daily, extend this thy goodnesse towards us thy servants, and defend us from the tyranny and malice of all our Enemies, who boast themselves in mischiefe: keep us from the obloquy of false tongues, and from the slander of lying persons, who talke of lyes more then righteousnesse, that we being nourished by thy goodnesse, and wate∣red with the dew of divine blessings, may flou∣rish like a green olive in the house of God, bring∣ing forth the fruits of tender mercy, and abound∣ing in peace, and that we may by the suffusion of anointing of the holy Ghost, be consign'd to thy everlasting Kingdome, there to reign with thee, who reignest eternally, one God world without end. Amen.