The Prayer.
O God our rock and the house of our defence, let us be glad and rejoyce in thy mercies and salvation. Consider, O Lord, our trouble, and in thy pitty know our soules beset round about with enemies and adversities: Shut us not up in∣to the hands of our enemies, nor our lives within the grave. Our time, O Lord, is in thy hand, to thee pertaine the issues of life and death, and though our strength hath failed us because of our iniquity, and our bones are vexed by reason of our sinnes, yet our hope is in thee, O Lord, we have said, Thou art our God: deliver us from all our enemies bodily and ghostly: turne our sadnesse into joy, and our mourning into gladnesse, least our bodies & soules be consumed for very heavi∣nesse. Let us not be put to confusion nor to silence in the grave, but let us see thy marvellous loving kindnesse, and partake of thy plentifull goodnesse which thou hast laid up for them that feare thee,