The Prayer.
O Lord God, which hast made Heaven and Earth, in whose Name our helpe standeth, we praise and blesse thy Name, that in our trou∣bles and temptations thou hast stood on our side, and pleaded for us against them that rose against us. It was thy hand (O Lord) and the helpe of thy mercy that relieved us: the waters of af∣fliction had drowned us, and the streame had gone over our soule, if the Spirit of the Lord had not moved upon the waters. Thou (O Lord) didst blast the designes of our enemies with the breath of thy displeasure, and to thee (O Lord) we ascribe the praise and honour of our redemp∣tion. Perpetuate thy mercies to us, let us never be given over as a prey to our ghostly enemies, but breake their snares, discover and weaken all their temptations by which they would destroy our soules, that we being delivered from sin may be preserved from thy wrath, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.