The history of the famous Edict of Nantes containing an account of all the persecutions that have been in France from its first publication to this present time : faithfully extracted from all the publick and private memoirs, that could possibly be procured
Benoist, Elie, 1640-1728.

Article I. THAT the said last Edict of Pacification, and se∣cret and particular Articles granted with the same; together with the Articles of the aforesaid Conference held at Nerac, shall be really, and in effect, observ'd and put in execution▪ in all and every particular; which shall hold and stand good, not only for the things happen'd during the preceding Troubles, but also for such as shall or have happen'd from the time of the said Conference, until now; and that all the King's Subjects of both Religions, shall enjoy the benefit of the Declarations, Grants, Discharges, and General Par∣dons contain'd in the said Articles, Edicts and Conferences, for what has been done and committed, taken and rais'd on either side, during the present Troubles, and upon the ac∣count thereof, as they should have done for what had happen'd du∣ring the precedent Troubles, ex∣cepting what is expresly derogated by the present Articles.

II. The Articles of the said Edict concerning the re▪establishment of the Catholick Apostolick and Roman Re∣ligion, for the celebration of Divine Service, in such places where it has been discontinu'd, together with the enjoyment and gathering of the Tythes, Fruits, and Ecclesiastical Re∣venues, shall be entirely executed, follow'd and observ'd, and those who shall transgress the same, shall be rigorously punish'd.

III. In putting the 1st, 2d, and 11th Articles of the Edict in execution, the King's Attorneys General shall be enjoin'd, as well as their Substitutes in Bayliwicks, Seneschalships, and other Royal Jurisdictions, to inform against, and make prosecution in the King's Name against all such who Page  518 shall move Seditions, &c. and in pub∣lick shall utter Scandalous Expressi∣ons or any wise transgress the said Edicts, Articles and Conferences, in order to have them punish'd accor∣ding to the Penalties inflicted by the same: The which being omitted, the said Attorneys and Substitutes shall be responsible for the said In∣fractions, in their own particular Names, and depriv'd of their Places, without ever being restor'd or re-e∣stablish'd to the same. And the Bi∣shops and other Ecclesiasticks, shall be requir'd to keep and to oblige the Preachers instituted by them, to keep and observe the Contents of the said Articles; and his Majesty commands the same most expresly to all others who speak in publick, on the Penal∣ties contain'd in the Edict.

IV. In consequence of the 4th, 9th, and 13th Articles of the said Edict, all those of the said pretended Reform'd Religion of what condition or quality soeverare allow'd to be and safely to inhabit in all the Cities and pars of this Kingdom, without be∣ing disturb'd or prosecuted upon the ac∣count of the said Religion, under any pretence whatever, they behaving themselves according as it is order'd by the aforesaid Articles of the said Edict. They shall not be oblig'd to hang and adorn the Front of their Houses on the Festival Days on which it is order'd; but only shall suffer them to be hung and adorn'd by the Autho∣rity of the Officers who belong to those places. Neither shall they be oblig'd to contribute towards the Charges for the Reparations of Churches, or to admit Exhortati∣ons when sick, or at the point of Death, either by Condemnation of Justice, or otherwise, from any but those of the said Religion.

V. The 1st Article of the Confe∣rence shall hold and remain in force, altho the King's Atorny-General be a Party against the High-Justicers, who were in actual possession of the said Justice, at the time of the publicati∣on of the said Edict.

VI. In executing the 8 Article of the said Edict, those of the said Re∣ligion shall nominate unto the King four or five places in every Bayliwick or Seneschalship of the Quality men∣tion'd by the Edict, to the end that being inform'd of the convenience or inconvenience thereof, his Majesty may chuse one of them there to esta∣blish the Exercise of their said Reli∣gion, or they not proving conveni∣ent, to provide another for them within a month after the said Nomi∣nation, which shall be as convenient for them as can be, and according to the Tenor of the Edict.

VII. And as to the Burying places of those of the said Religion, the Of∣ficers belonging to those parts, shall be oblig'd within a Fortnight after their being requir'd so to do, to pro∣vide them convenient places for the said Interments, without delays, on the penalty of Five Hundred Crowns, in their proper and private Names.

VIII. Letters Patent shall be pass'd, directed to the Courts of Parliament for the registring and observing of the secret and particular Articles made with the said Edict. And as for Marriages, and the Differences that shall arise upon the same, the Judges Ecclesiastical and Royal, to∣gether with the aforesaid Chambers, shall take cognizance of the same re∣spectively, Page  519 according to the said Ar∣ticles.

IX. The Taxes and Impositions that shall be laid upon those of the said Religion, according as it is ex∣press'd in the 3d Article of the said Conference, shall be executed, all Oppositions or Appeals whatever, notwithstanding.

X. Those of the said Religion shall be allow'd the Exercise thereof, in the Cities and places in which it was perform'd on the 17th of Sep∣tember, 1577. according to the 7th Ar∣ticle of the said Edict.

XI. The King shall send a Cham∣ber of Justice in the County and Dutchy of Guyenne, consisting of two Presidents, 14 Councellors, a King's Attorney and Advocate, persons of worth, lovers of peace, of Integrity and proper Abilities, which shall be chosen by his Majesty, and taken out of the Parliaments of this King∣dom and Great Council, the List of which shall be communicated to the King of Navar, to the end that any of them being suspected Persons, it may be lawful to acquaint his Maje∣sty therewith, who shall elect others in their room. The said Presidents and Counsellors thus ordain'd, shall take cognizance of, and judge all Causes, Processes, Differences and Transgressions of the Edict of Pacifi∣cation, the Cognizance and Jurisdi∣ction of which, has been by the said Edict referr'd to the Chamber com∣pos'd by the same: They shall serve two whole Years in the said Coun∣try, and shall remove their place and Sessions through the Seneschalships of the same every six Months, in order to purge the Provinces, and to admi∣nister Justice to every one upon the spot. Nevertheless it has been a∣greed, that by the establishment of the said Chamber, those of the said pretended reform'd Religion shall not be depriv'd of the priviledge and be∣nefit which is granted them by the said Edict, by the establishment of the Tripartite Chamber, ordain'd by the same. The Presidents and Coun∣cellors of which being of the said Re∣ligion, shall remain united and incor∣porate in the Court of the Parlia∣ment of Bourdeaux, according to their erection, there to serve, to hold a Rank, and sit from the very day they have been receiv'd there, and shall enjoy all the Honours, Authori∣ties, Preheminences, Rights, Profits and Prerogatives, as the other Presi∣dents and Counsellors of the said Court. And as for the Provinces of Languedoc and Dauphine, the Cham∣bers that have been appointed for them by the Edict, shall be establish'd and constituted there according, as it is specifi'd in the same, and by the Articles of the said Conference of Nerac. And the next sitting of that of Languedoc shall be in the City of———And that of Dauphine shall be establish'd, accor∣ding to what has been heretofore or∣dain'd.

XII. The said Presidents, Counsel∣lors and Officers of the said Chamber shall be oblig'd to repair forthwith to the places appointed for their Ses∣sions, there to exercise their Office, on pain of losing their said Offices, and to serve actually, and reside in the said Chambers, without departing or absenting from thence without leave, registred Page  520 from the said Chambers, which shall be judge in the Assembly, upon the Causes of the Ordinance. And the said Catholick Presidents, Counsel∣lors and Officers shall be continu'd there as long as can be, and as the King shall judge it necessary for his Service, and for the Publick Good: And in licensing the one, others shall be put in their places before their de∣parture.

XIII. All Sovereign and other Courts of this Kingdom are forbid∣den to take cognizance, and judge Processes, either civil or criminal, in which those of the said Religion are concern'd, until the Day on which the said Chambers shall sit, or after∣wards, on pain of nullity, Charges, Damages, and interest of the Parties, unless they shall proceed voluntarily in the said Courts, according to the 26 Article of the said Edict, and the 6th and 7th of the said Confe∣rence.

XIV. The King shall provide va∣luable assignations to furnish towards the charges of Justice of the said Chambers, and shall reimburse him∣self upon the Estates of the Con∣demn'd.

XV. The King shall as soon as possible can be, make a Regulation between the said Courts of Parlia∣ment, and the said Chambers, accor∣ding to the Edict, and the 5th Arti∣cle of the said Conference, and con∣sult some Presidents and Counsellors of the said Parliaments and Cham∣bers about it. Which said Regulati∣on shall be kept and observ'd, with∣out regard to those that have prece∣ded it.

XVI. Neither shall the said Courts of Parliament, or other Sovereign and Inferior Courts, take cognizance of what shall be depending and intro∣duc'd into the said Chambers, which they ought to determine according to the Edict, on pain of nullity of the Proceedings.

XVII. In such Chambers where there shall be Judges of both Religi∣ons, the proportion of Judges and Judgments shall be observ'd accor∣ding to their establishment, unless the Parties consent to the contrary.

XVIII. The Recusations or Re∣fusals propos'd against the Presidents and Counsellors of the said Chambers of Guyenne, and Languedoc, and Dauphi∣ne, shall be allow'd to the number of six, to which number the Parties shall be restrain'd, otherwise they shall go forward without any regard to the said Refusals.

XIX. The Presidents and Counsel∣lors of the said Chambers shall hold no private Councils out of their As∣sembly; in which also the Propositi∣ons, Deliberations and Resolutions relating to the Publick Good shall be made, as well as those relating to the particular State and Policy of the said Cities where the said Cham∣bers shall be.

XX. All the Judges to whom the Execution of Decrees and other Commissions of the said Chambers shall be directed, together with all Messengers and Serjeants, shall be oblig'd to put them in execution. And the said Messengers and Serje∣ants shall serve all Warrants through∣out the Kingdom, without requiring Placet, Visa, nor Pareatis, on pain of being suspended, and of paying the Page  521 lost Damages and Interests of the Parties, of which the Cognisance shall appertain to the said Cham∣bers.

21. No Evocation or removal of Causes, the tryal of which is refer'd to the said Chambers, shall be allow'd, unless in the case of the Ordinances, the return whereof shall be made to the nearest Chamber establish'd ac∣cording to the Edict. And upon the Revocation of the Removal, and the annihilation of the Proceedings made upon the same, Justice shall be done by the King, at the request of the Parties: and the issues of Suits of the said Chambers shall be try'd in the next Chamber, observing the proportion and form of the said Chambers whence the Processes pro∣ceed.

XXII. The Subaltern Officers of the Provinces of Guyenne, Languedoc and Dauphine, the reception of which belongs to the Courts of Parliament, if they be of the said pretended Re∣form'd Religion, may be examin'd and receiv'd in the Chamber of the Edict, and none but the King's At∣torneys General, and those plac'd in the said Offices, shall be allow'd to oppose and make themselves Parties against their reception: And upon the refusal of the said Parliaments, the Officers shall take the said Oaths in the said Chambers.

XXIII. Such of the said Religion as have resign'd their Places and Of∣fices out of fear of the Troubles, since the 24th of August, 1572. to whom by reason thereof, some Promises have been made: The said Promises being verified by them, Provision shall be made for them by Law accor∣ding to reason.

XXIV. The 46th Article of the said Edict shall be intirely executed, and shall be of force for the discharge of Arrears and Contributions, and all other Sums impos'd during the Troubles.

XXV. All Deliberations made in the Courts of Parliament, Letters, Remonstrances, and other things contrary to the said Edict of Pacifi∣cation and Conference, shall be raz'd out of the Registers.

XXVI. The Processes of Vaga∣bonds shall be tried by Presidial Judges, Provost, Marshal, and Vice-Seneschals, according to the 25d Article of the said Edict, and the 8th of the said Conference. And as for the Housholders in the Pro∣vinces of Guienne, Languedoc and Dau∣phine, the Substitutes of the King's Attorneys General in the said Cham∣bers shall at the request of the said Housholders, cause the Inditements and Informrtions made against them, to be brought into the same, to know and determine whether the Cases are liable to Provost Courts, or not, that afterwards according to the na∣ture of the Crimes, they may be re∣turn'd by the said Chambers, to be try'd by the ordinary Judges, or by the Provostal Judges, as they shall find it reasonable. And the said Pre∣sidial Judges, Provosts Marshal, and Vice-Seneschals shall be oblig'd to respect▪ obey and fulfil the Com∣mands they shall receive from the said Chambers, as they use to do those of the said Parliaments, on pain of forfeiture of their Places.

XXVII. The Ruins and dismant∣lings of all Cities that have been de∣molish'd during the Troubles, may Page  522 be by the King's leave rebuilt nd re∣pair'd by the Inhabitants, at their own charge and expence, according to the Fiftieth Article of the E∣dict.

XXVIII. The like Discharges and Pardons shall be granted in respect to the things done and happen'd on both sides since the said Conference until now, as are contain'd in the said Edict, in the 55th Article, all Proceedings, Sentences and Decrees, and whatever has follow'd thereupon notwithstanding, which shall be de∣clar'd null, and os no effect, as things never happen'd, derogating in respect to that to what is contain'd in the 25th Article of the said Conference; the which notwithstanding shall re∣main in full force and vertue for the future. In which Pardons shall be included the taking of Bazaz and Lan∣gon: The first taken during the War in the Year 1576, and the other after the said Conference of Nerac, and what has insued thereupon, all Judg∣ments and Decrees to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXIX. After the publications of the said Edict, in that part where the said Duke of Anjou shall be, all Forces and Armies on both sides shall separate and retire; and after their being retir'd, that is, after the French Forces are disbanded and dismissed, and the Foreigners gone out of the Government of Gui∣enne in order to march out of the Kingdom: ¶ After the Cities hereaf∣ter mention'd shall be deliver'd into the hands of the said Duke of Anjou, the said King of Navar, and those of the said Religion, and others who have been ingag'd in their Party, shall be oblig'd to deliver into the hands of the said Duke of Anjou the Cities of Mande, Cahors, Monsegus, S. Million, and Mont aigu: Which Mont-aigu shall be dismantled as soon as it is de∣livered to the said Duke of Anjou.

XXX. Immediately after the deli∣very of the said Cities, the said Duke of Anjou shall cause to be deliver'd unto the said King of Navar, the Houses, Cities and Castles belonging unto him, which he shall leave in the condition ordain'd by the Edict, and the Articles of the said Confe∣rence.

XXXI. And the King shall at the same time order the City and Castle de la Reolle to be deliver'd into the hands of the said Duke of Anjou, who shall be responsible to his said Maje∣sty for the same, and shall give it in keeping to the Vice-come of Turenne who shall enter into such Obliga∣tions, and make such promises as the said Duke of Anjou shall require to return, and re-deliver it into his hands in order to his restoring it to his Majesty, in case within two months after the said publication, the Cities yielded in the said Conference, seated in Guyenne, should not be deli∣ver'd by those of the said Religion, in the condition mention'd by the Articles of the said Conference: In respect to which Cities at present, still in possession of those of the said Religion, and left to them by the said Conference, the said King of Navar, and those of the said Religion, shall promise the said Duke of Anjou, who will ingage his word to the King for it, to march the Garisons out of them, and to restore them in the condition they ought to be by the said Edict and Conference, viz. Those of the Page  523 Country of Guienne within the said Two Months after the publication of the said present Articles made in those parts where the said Duke of Anjou shall be, and those of Langue∣doc, within three Months after the said publication made by the Gover∣nor, or Lieutenant-General of the Province, without any Delays, Put∣offs, or Difficulties, upon any account or pretence whatever. And as to the Liberty and Guard of the said Cities, they shall observe what is en∣join'd them by the said Article of the said Conference. And they shall do the same for those that have been given them in keeping for their sure∣ty by the said Edict, and they shall nominate unto his Majesty persons whose Manners, Qualifications, and Conditions are answerable to what is requir'd by the Edict, to command in the same, and they shall be oblig'd and bound to leave and to restore them in the condition mention'd by the said Edict, immediately after the expiration of the remainder of the term of time that was granted them by the same, according to the form, and under the Penalties therein con∣tain'd.

XXXII. All other Cities, Places, Castles and Houses belonging to the King, and to Ecclesiasticks, Lords, and Gentlemen, and other his Maje∣sty's Subjects of both Religions; to∣gether with their Titles, Papers, Instructions, and other things what∣ever, shall be restor'd in the conditi∣on ordain'd by the Edict and Articles of the Conference, into the hands of the owners thereof, immediately af∣ter the said publication of the said present Articles, to leave them the free enjoyment and possession thereof, as they had it before their being dis∣possess'd, on the penalties contain'd in the said Edict and Articles, not∣withstanding the right of propriety were disputed. And shall clear the said Cities, Places and Castles of all Garisons, to which end the Articles of the Edict and Conference concerning the Governments and Garisons of the Forts and Castles of the Provinces, Cities and Castles shall be executed according to their Form and Te∣nor.

XXXIII. For the effecting of which, the said Duke of Anjou has promis'd to remain into the said Country of Guyenne, during the said time of two months, to execute and cause the said Edict and Articles to be put in execution, according to the power given unto him by his said Majesty, the which shall be publish'd to that end, and a Council of capable and fit persons establish'd about his person.

XXXIV. The 48th Article of the said Edict concerning the liberty of Commerce, and the abolishing of all New Tolls and Subsidies impos'd by any Authority but the King's, shall be ob∣serv'd and effected: And in conside∣ration of the Abuses and Infractions made to the Edict since the publicati∣on thereof, in relation to the Salt of Pecquaiz, Prohibitions shall be made to all persons, of what quality or condition soever, directly to hinder the Draggage of Salt of Pecquaiz, to impose, exact, or raise any Subsidies, either upon Marches, upon the River Rone, or elsewhere, in any place or kind soever, without express leave from his Majesty, on pain of Death.

Page  524XXXV. All pieces of Ordnance belonging to his Majesty, that have been taken during the present and precedent Troubles, shall be restor'd immediately, according to the 43d of the secret Articles.

XXXVI. The 30th Article of the said Edict, concerning Prisoners and Ransoms, shall be follow'd and ob∣serv'd in relation to those who have been made Prisoners since the renew∣ing of the War, and have not been yet deliver'd.

XXXVII. The King of Navar and Prince of Conde shall effectually enjoy their Governments, according to what is specifi'd by the said Edict, and secret Articles.

XXXVIII. The raising of 600000 Livers, which was granted and al∣low'd by the said Articles, shall be continu'd, according to the Com∣missions that have been issu'd out since by vertue thereof, to which his Maje∣sty shall be intreated to add the Sums of 45000 Livers, furnish'd and ad∣vanc'd by the Sieur de la Noue.

XXXIX. The 22d, 23d, and 24th of the Secret Articles agreed on at Bergerac, concerning the Oaths and Promises to be made by the King, the Queen his Mother, the Duke of An∣jou his Brother, the King of Navar, and the Prince of Conde, shall be reite∣rated and accomplish'd.

XL. The Princes of the Blood, Of∣ficers of the Crown, Governors and Lieutenants General, Bayliffs, Senes∣chals of the Provinces, and principal Magistrates of this Kingdom, shall swear and promise to cause the said Edicts, and present Articles, to be kept and observ'd, to employ them∣selves, and use their endeavours, eve∣ry one in their Station, for the pu∣nishing of the Infractors.

XLI. The Courts of Parliament in bodies shall take the same Oath, which shall be reiterated at every new entry, which shall be made once a year on the Festival of St. Martin, at which they shall cause the said Edict to be read and republish'd.

XLII. The Seneschals and Officers of the Seneschalships and presidial Tribunals, shall also take the same Oath in a body, and shall reiterate it, and cause the said Edict to be read and publish'd again on every First Day of Jurisdiction after Epiphany or Twelfth Day.

XLIII. The Provosts, Majors, Ju∣rors, Consuls, Capitouls and She∣riffs of Cities, shall take the like Oath in a publick place, to which they shall summon the principal Inhabi∣tants of both Religions, and shall rei∣terate the same at every new Election of the said Offices.

XLIV. All the above mention'd, and all other Subjects whatever of this Kingdom, of what Quality soe∣ver, shall depart from, and renounce all Leagues, Associations, Fraterni∣ties and Intelligences, both within and without the Kingdom: And shall swear to make none hereafter, or ad∣here to any▪ nor otherwise to trans∣gress, directly, or indirectly, the said Edict, Articles and Conferences, on the Penalties therein mention'd.

XLV. All Officers Royal, and o∣thers, Majors, Jurats, Capitouls, Consuls and Sheriffs, shall answer in their own and private Names, for all the Infractions that shall be made of the said Edict, for want of punishing of the Infractors, both in a Civil and Page  525 Corporal manner, according to the nature of the Offence.

XLVI. And for the remainder of what is contain'd and ordain'd by the said Edicts, Conferences, and Articles, it shall be executed and ob∣serv'd in every particular, according to its Form and Tenor.

Done at Flex, near Sancte Foy,the 26th Day of November, 1580.

Thus sign'd by the Duke of Anjou the King's Brother, with his own hand,


And by the King of Navar's own hand,
