The practice of piety directing a Christian how to walk, that he may please God
Bayly, Lewis, d. 1631.
For the second.

2. The consecration of the Sabbath's rest consists in performing three sorts of duties. First, before; Secondly, at; Thirdly, after the publick exercises of the Church.

The Duties to be performed before the pub∣lick exercises, are,

1. To give over working betimes on the Eve, that thy body may be the more re∣freshed, and thy mind the better itted to sanctifie the Sabbath on the next day. For want of this preparation, thy self and thy servants being tyred with la∣bour and watching the night before, are so heavy, that when you should be ser∣ving God,* and hearing what his Spirit saith unto the Church for your Soul's in∣struction, you cannot hold up your heads for sleeping; to the dishonour of God, the offence of the Church, and the shame of your selves: Therefore the Lord com∣mands us not only to keep holy, but also to remember afore-hand the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, by preparing our hearts and removing all business that might Page  266 hinder us to consecrate it,*as a glorious day unto the Lord. Therefore whereas the Lord in the other Commandments, doth but either bid or forbid; he doth both in this Commandment, and that with a special memorandum: As if a Master should charge his servant to look well unto ten things of great trust, but to have a more special care to remember one of those Ten, for divers weighty reasons; should not a faithful Servan that loves his Master, shew a more special care unto that thing above all o∣ther businesses?

Thus Moses taught the People o'er night to remember the Sabbath:* and it was a Holy custom among our forefathers, when at the ringing to Prayer on the Eve before, the Husbandman would give over his labour in the field, and the Tadesman his work in the Shop, and go to Evening Prayer in the Church, to prepare their souls, that their minds might more chearfully attend God's worship on the Sabbath day

2. To possess that night thy vessel in ho∣liness and honour,* that thou maist present thy soul more purely in the sight of God the* next morning.*

3. To rise up early in the morning on the Sabbath day.* Be careful therefore to rise sooner on this day, than on other days: by how much the service of God is to be preferred before all earthly busi∣nesses. For there is no Master to serve so good as God: and in the end, no work shall be better rewarded than his service.

Page  267 4. When thou art up, consider with thy self, what an impure sinner thou art, and into what an holy place thou goest to appear, before the most holy God, who seeth thy heart, and hateth all impurity and hypocrisie. Examine thy self there∣fore before thou goest to church, what grievous sins thou hast committed the week past; confess them unto God, and earnestly pray for the pardon and forgive∣ness of them, and so reconcile thy self with God in Christ. Renew thy vows to walk more conscionably, and pray for an increase of those graces which thou hast, and a supply of those which thou want∣est. But especially pray, that thou maist have Grace to hear the word of God read and preached with profit: and that thou maist receive the holy Sacrament with comfort (if it be Communion day) that God by his Holy Spirit would assist the Preacher to speak something that may kill thy sin,* and comfort thy soul, which thou maist do in this or the like sort.