The English nonconformity as under King Charles II and King James II truly stated and argued by Richard Baxter ; who earnestly beseecheth rulers and clergy not to divide and destroy the land and cast their own souls on the dreadful guilt and punishment of national perjury ...
Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.

CHAP. XVI. Point XIII. Of Pronouncing all saved that are Buried, except the Vnbaptized, Excommunicate and Self-murtherers.


WHat are the words hear that you dislike?


I told you before, [For as much as it hath plea∣sed Almighty God to take to himself the Soul of our dear Brother, here deceased.] and [We give thee thanks for that it hath pleased thee to deliver this our Brother out of the miseries of this sinful world] and [That we may rest in him as our hope is this our Brother doth]


What harm is in these words? must not charity be used in our judging of all mens final state.


We like all the Office, and these words very well, if used over the Corpse of capable persons; and if true Discipline in the Church did make a just Separation of the capable and uncapable.


Then the fault is not in the Liturgy, but the Government.


It only follows that the fault is Primarily in the Go∣vernours corruption, and neglect of Discipline; but it's next also in the Liturgy? For the matter of fact and right is presupposed to the Declaration of it: And it followeth not that because I may speak well of good men, I may do so of bad. Christ will condemn those that feed not, visit not, harbour not his Servants, Mat. 25. All men ought to be his Servants and deserve this. Yet multitudes in Scotland suffer now, for feeding and harbouring rebellious subjects: Suppose Page  84 they say now that the fault was not in us that fed them; but in them that were Rebells; we were bound to feed ho∣nest men, and they were bound to be honest, and charity judgeth the best. I think this will not save some from the gallows.

I think if the Bishops were but to bury Souldiers killed in fighting against the King, and at the Grave should pronounce them all good Subjects, it would be ill taken; much more is it to pronounce them saved.

Charity is no excuse for dangerous errour and falshood. It must not follow a blind understanding. I am sure that the Clergy in their Sermons and Writings, condemn abundance whom at the Grave they pronounce saved.


But what danger is it to judge too charitably?


It hath all these dangers. 1. The guilt of speaking false∣ly to God.

2. The contradicting of God's Word, which saith, that no Whoremonger, Drunkard, Railer, Murtherer, shall enter in∣to the Kingdom of God, and that the impenitent shall pe∣rish.

3. The hardening of ungodly men against all fear of God, when they hear that the same men, that in the Pulpit threa∣ten damnation to them, recant it all in their Application at the Grave, and pronounce them saved. How could they more dangerously deceive men, who take that in deeper usually that is said at the Grave, than in the Pulpit.


But some say none of those words signifie the persons Salvation, but his removal hence.


Read them; If those do not, none do.


But some say, that by [Excommunicate] is meant [Ex∣communicable] or such as ought to be Excommunicate, and then what more can you desire?


Their saying is a presumptuous contradiction to that which they consent to, what reason have they for it: Is Excommunicate, and Excommunicable all one? Or may they put what sense they list on Laws? If they do but tell the Bishops this much, they will make them know that they are not made Judges of who is Excommunicable: When I have craved but the alteration of that word, they answe∣red Page  85 me with contempt, that so every Priest or Curate should have the power of damning whom he please. But sure Si∣encing our judgment of a man, is not damning him.

But what place is there for any doubt, when the Book nameth the three sorts excepted, & exceptio firmat regulam in non exceptis. Yea the express exposition in the Canon 8. is [If he shall refuse to Christen the one, or bury the other (that is, Any brought) except the party deceased were Denounced Excommunicate, Majori Excommunicatione, for some grievous and notorious Crime, and no man able to testifie of his repen∣tance, he shall be Suspended by the Bishop of the Diocese from his ministry by the space of three months.] And alas how many thousand Infidels, Hobbists, Sadducees, Hereticks, Adulterers, Thieves, Perjured, Scorners at godliness, &c. are among us unexcommunicated. If all in England be sa∣ved, except the Unbaptized, Excommunicate, and Self-murtherers (which, de singulis, one by one must be said of all the rest) either Scripture and Pulpits are much mistaken, or else we that live among men are in a dream, and our senses are all deceived.