Elenchus motuum nuperorum in Anglia, or, A short historical account of the rise and progress of the late troubles in England In two parts
Bate, George, 1608-1669., Lovell, Archibald., Skinner, Thomas, 1629?-1679. Motus compositi.


That Reformation of Religion, according to the Covenant, be setled by Act of Parliament, in such manner as both Houses have agreed, or shall agree upon, after consultation had with the Assembly of Divines.

For as much as both Kingdoms are mutually o∣bliged by the same Covenant, to endeavour the nearest Conjunction and Uniformity in matters of Religion, That such Unity and Uniformity in Re∣ligion, according to the Covenant, as after consulta∣tion had with the Divines of both Kingdoms now assembled, is or shall be joyntly agreed upon by both Houses of the Parliament of England, and by the Church and Kingdom of Scotland, be confirmed by Acts of Parliament of both Kingdoms respective∣ly.