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Title:  The utter routing of the whole army of all the Independents and Sectaries, with the totall overthrow of their hierarchy ..., or, Independency not Gods ordinance in which all the frontires of the Presbytery ... are defended ... / by John Bastvvick, captain in the Presbyterian army.
Author: Bastwick, John, 1593-1654.
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but mine eye poureth out teares unto God, Iob 16. 19, 20. Brother Burton, it cannot be denied, but that you and your party, have brought the same accusation against me, as Satan, and Iobs friends brought against him; yet as God reproved them, & accepted of Iob, Iob. 42. 8. so my God whom I in truth and sincerity serve with the twelve Tribes of Israel day and night, Act. 26. 7. hath appro∣ved, and will accept of mee, maugre all the power, false accusa∣tions, Revilings, subtle Wiles, and workings of Satan; for, as the Apostle saith, 2 Cor. 2. 11. I am not ignorant of his devises; nay, herein I have comfort, because I know the faithfull servants of God in all ages have beene traduced and accused for Hypocrites, and scandalous Walkers; wee reade 2 Cor. 10. 2. that the false Apo∣stles did thinke, or reckon of Paul, as one that walked according to the flesh; but as the Apostle speaketh to them, in the third verse of that Chapter, so I say to you, that though I walke in the flesh, yet I doe not warre after the flesh, &c. For I have lived in all good conscience before God untill this day, Act. 23. 1. But were all true you have said, and that of your owne knowledge, or could you by the testimony of honest, sober, and approved Christians, prove mee such an one, as you have decyphered me, it had beene a bro∣therly part, more Saint-like, and would have brought lesse scan∣dall to the Gospel, if you had pleased to have made knowne be∣tweene you and mee, wherein you conceived, or had been infor∣med, that I walked scandalously; and if I could not have cleared my selfe from all such wicked aspertions, and made it plainely ap∣peare, that it was a malicious evill report raysed causelessely, then if you had reproved me sharpely, you had done as a Christian ought to doe; For, to reprove sinne is warrantable, and an Argu∣ment of brotherly Love, Levit. 19. 17. but to receive a false report of me, or slily raise it up, and publish it in print, before you had laboured to restore mee in the spirit of meeknesse, according to the Apostles exhortation, Gal. 6. 1. or told me my fault betweene you and mee, and used all such other meanes to have gained a brother, as Christ our King and Law-giver hath commanded, Matth. 18. 15, 16, 17. is an open disobedience to his Royall Mandates, and doth demonstrate, that in all things you have not (as you pretend) obeyed Christ, nor made his will revealed in Gods Word your rule to walke by, and therefore you in this have not set him upon his Throne.And to that hell-hatcht charge which you have brought against 0