Three books of occult philosophy written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim ... ; translated out of the Latin into the English tongue by J.F.

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Three books of occult philosophy written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim ... ; translated out of the Latin into the English tongue by J.F.
Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius, 1486?-1535.
London :: Printed by R.W. for Gregory Moule ...,

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"Three books of occult philosophy written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim ... ; translated out of the Latin into the English tongue by J.F." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


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CHAP. XX. Of the annoyance of evil spirits, and the preservation we have by good spirits.

It is the common opinion of Divines, that all evil spirits are of that nature, that they hate God as well as men; therefore Divine providence hath set over us more pure spirits, with whom he hath entrusted us, as with Shepheards, and Go∣vernours, that they should daily help us, and drive away evil spirits from us, and curb, and restrain them, that they should not hurt us as much as they would; as is read in Tobia, that Raphael did apprehend the Demon called Asmodeus, and bound him in the wilderness of the upper Egypt. Of these Hesiod saith, there are 30000 of Jupiters immortall spirits li∣ving on the earth, which are the keepers of mortall men, who that they might observe justice and mercifull deeds, having clothed themselves with air, go every where on the earth. For there is no Prince, nor potentate could be safe, nor any woman continue uncorrupted, no man in this valley of ignorance could come to the end appointed to him by God, if good spi∣rits did not secure us; Or if evill spirits should be permit∣ted to satisfie the wils of men; As therefore amongst the good spirits there is a proper keeper or protector deputed to every one, corroborating the spirit of the man to good; so of evil spirits there is sent forth an enemy ruling over the flesh, and desire thereof; and the good spirit fights for us as a preserver against the enemie, and flesh; Now man betwixt these con∣enders is the midle, and left in the hand of his own Counsell, o whom he will give victory; we cannot therefore accuse Angels, if they do not bring the Nations entrusted to them, to the knowledge of the true God, to true piety, and suffer them to fall into errours, and perverse worship: but it is to be imputed to themselves, who have of their own accord declined from the right path, adhering to the spirits of errours, giving victory to the Devill; for it is in the hand of man to adhere to whom he please, and overcome whom he will; by whom, if once the enemy the devill be overcome,

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he is made his servant, and being overcome, cannot fight any more with another, as a wasp that hath lost his sting: to which opinion Origen assents in his book Periarchon, concluding, that the Saints fighting against evil spirits, and overcoming, do lessen their armie, neither can he that is overcome by any, mo∣lest any more; As therefore there is given to every man a good spirit, so also there is given to every man an evil Dia∣bolicall spirit, whereof each seeks an union with our spirit, and endeavours to attract it to it self, and to be mixed with it, as wine with water; the good indeed, through all good works conformable to it self, change us into Angels, by uniting us, as it is writ of John Baptist in Malachie: Behold I send mine Angel before thy face: of which transmutation, and union it is writ elsewhere; He which adheres to God is made one spirit with him. An evil spirit also by evil works, studies to make us conformable to it self, and to unite as Christ saith of Judas, Have not I chosen twelve, & one of you is a devil? And this is that which Hermes saith, when a spirit hath influence upon the soul of man, he scatters the seed of his own notion, whence such a soul being sowen with seeds, and full of fury, brings forth thence wonderfull things, and whatsoever are the offices of spirits: for when a good spirit hath influence upon a holy soul, it doth exalt it to the light of wisdom; but an evil spirit being transfused into a wicked soul, doth stir it up to theft, to man slaughter, to lusts, and whatsoever are the offices of evil spirits. Good spirits (as saith Jamblicus) purge the souls most perfectly; and some bestow upon us other good things; they being present do give health to the body, vertue to the soul, security to the soul, what is mortall in us they take away, cherish heat, and make it more efficacious to life, and by an Harmonie do alwayes infuse light into an intel∣ligible mind. But whether there be many keepers of a man, or one alone, Theologians differ amongst themselves; we think there are more, the Prophet saying, he hath given his Angels a charge concerning thee, that they should keep thee in all thy wayes: which as saith Hierome, is to be understood of any man, as well as of Christ. All men therefore are governed by

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the ministery of divers Angels, and are brought to any degree of vertue, deserts, and dignity, who behave themselves worthy of them; but they which carry themselves unworthy of them are deposed, and thrust down, as well by evil spirits, as good spirits, unto the lowest degree of misery, as their evil merits shall require: but they that are attributed to the sublimer Angels, are preferred before other men, for Angels having the care of them, exalt them, and subject others to them by a certain oc∣cult power; which although neither of them perceive, yet he that is subjected, feels a certain yoke of presidency, of which he cannot easily acquit himself, yea he fears and reve∣renceth that power, which the superiour Angels make to flow upon superiours, and with a certain terrour bring the inferi∣ours into a fear of presidency. This did Homer seem to be sen∣sible of, when he saith, that the Muses begot of Jupiter, did alwayes as inseparable companions assist the Kings begot of Jupiter, who by them were made venerable, and magni∣ficent. So we read that M. Antonius being formerly joyned in singular friendship with Octavus Augustus, were wont al∣wayes to play together. But when as alwayes Augustus went away conquerour, that a certain Magician Counselled M. An∣tonius thus. O Antony, what dost thou do with that yong man? shun, and avoid him, for although thou art elder then he, and art more skilfull then he, and art better descended then he, and hast endured the Wars of more Emperours, yet thy Ge∣nius doth much dread the Genius of this yong man, and thy Fortune flatter his Fortune; unless thou shalt shun him, it seemeth wholly to decline to him. Is not the Prince like other men, how should other men fear, and reverence him, unless a Divine terrour should exalt him, and striking a fear into o∣thers, depress them, that they should reverence him as a Prince? Wherefore we must endeavour, that being purified by doing well, and following sublime things, and choosing opportune times, and seasons, we be entrusted or committed to a degree of sublimer, and more potent Angels, who taking care of us, we may deservedly be preserred before others.

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