Claudius Ælianus, his various history
Aelian, Claudius., Stanley, Thomas, 1625-1678.

CHAP. VIII. Of the Treachery of Cleomenes to Ar∣chonides.

Cleomenes the Lacedemonian taking to him Archonides one of his friends, made him partaker of his design; whereupon he swore to him that if he accomplished it he would doe all things by his head. Being possessed of the Government, he killed his Friend, and cutting off his Head put it into a Vessel of Honey. And whensoever he went to doe any thing, he •…tooped down to the Vessel, and said what he •…ntended to doe; affir∣ming that he had not broken his promise, nor was forsworn, for he advised with the Head of Archonides.