Claudius Ælianus, his various history
Aelian, Claudius., Stanley, Thomas, 1625-1678.

CHAP. LXI. Of honour given to the Wind Boreas.

Dionysius set out a Fleet against the Thu∣rians, consisting of three hundred Ships full of armed Men: But Boreas blowing contrary, broke the Vessels, and destroyed all his Sea-Forces. Hereupon the Thurians sacrificed to Boreas, and by a publick De∣cree made the Wind free of their City, and allotted him an House and Estate, and Page  255 every year performed sacred Rites to him. Therefore not the Athenians onely decla∣red him their Patron, but the Thurians also registred him their Benefactour. Pausanias saith that the Megalopolites did so likewise.