A candle in the dark shewing the divine cause of the distractions of the whole nation of England and of the Christian world ...
Ady, Thomas.

The Definition of a Witch, or a certain Demonstration what a Witch is (for the vulgar capacity.)

A Witch is a Man, or Woman, that practiseth Devillish crafts, of seducing the people for gain, from the know∣ledge Page  13 and worship of God, and from the truth to vain cre∣dulity, (or beleeving of lyes) or to the Worshipping of Idols.

So likewise for the definition of Witchcraft.

WItchcraft is a Devillish craft of seducing the people for gain, from the knowledge and worship of God, and from his Truth to vain credulity (or beleeving of lyes) or to the worshipping of Idols.

That it is a Craft truly so called, and likewise that it is for gain is proved, Acts 16.16, 19. the Maid that followed Paul crying, brought in her Master much gain; and that it is a craft of perverting the people, or seducing them from God and his Truth, is proved, Acts 13.6, 7, 8. limas the Sorcerer laboured to pervert the Deputy from the Faith. So likewise, Acts 8.9, 10, 11. verses, it doth more plainly prove all in these words, And there was a man before in the City called Simon, which used Witchcraft, and bewitched the people of Samaria, saying that he himself was some great man, to whom they gave heed from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God, and gave heed unto him because that of long time he had bewitched them with Sorceries; How bewitched them with Sorceries? That is, seduced them with Devillish crafts (as the Greek and also Tremelius Latine Translation do more plainly illustrate) in this sense speaketh Paul to the Galathians 3.1. O foolish Ga∣lathians who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth? and that a Witch, or Witchcraft is taken in no other sense in all the Scripture, it appeareth by the whole current of the Scriptures, as you may see in this Book. But now to return to the Text.