Evangelium armatum, A specimen, or short collection of several doctrines and positions destructive to our government, both civil and ecclesiastical preached and vented by the known leaders and abetters of the pretended reformation such as Mr. Calamy, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Case, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Caryll, Mr. Marshall, and others, &c.
Assheton, William, 1641-1711., Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666., Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.
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Mr. Jenkins Theses out of his humble Petition, when he was Prisoner; Printed Octob. 15. 1651.

1. THat the Parliament of the Common Wealth of England without the King, 1651. were the Supreme Authority of this Nation.

2 That Gods providences, (that is, his permission of events and suc∣cess) are antecedent declarations of his good will and approbation.

3 That the providences of God as evidently appeared in removing the King, and then investing their Honours with the Government of this Nation, as ever they appeared in the taking away, or bestowing of any Government in any History of any age of the World.

4 That a refusal to be subject to this Authority, under the pretence of upholding the Title of any one upon earth, is a refusal to acquiesce in the wise and righteous pleasure of God, such an opposing of the Government set up by the Soverein Lord of Heaven and Earth, as none can have peace, either in acting in, or suffering for.

5 That it is our duty to yield to this Authority all active and chearfull obedience in the Lord, even for conscience sake.