Evangelium armatum, A specimen, or short collection of several doctrines and positions destructive to our government, both civil and ecclesiastical preached and vented by the known leaders and abetters of the pretended reformation such as Mr. Calamy, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Case, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Caryll, Mr. Marshall, and others, &c.
Assheton, William, 1641-1711., Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666., Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.
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Mr. Stephen Marshal in his Sermon Preach'd to the House of Commons at their day of Thanksgiving, June 15. 1643. For the discovery of a dangerous, desperate, and bloody Design, tending to the utter subersion of the Parlament, and of the famous City of London.

THe viol now pouring out is the Lords work, and he will see it done, doubt ye not. Pag. 9.

The first Engineers that battered the walls of this great Babylon, Who were they but the poorer and meaner sort of people that at the first joyn'd with the Ministers to raise the building of Reformation? pag. 15.

In Scotland what great things hath the Lord lately done, by very weak means, hardly the fift part of the Nobility appearing for them, scarce one fourth part of the Kingdom owning the Cause? Pag. 18.

Were not the Book of Service, and the Book of Canons obtruded on them, the Occasion of their late mercies? and the Tyranny of a few of their Prelates, a means to unburthen them of their whole Prelacy? Pag. 18.

To what a dead low ebb were We brought, our liberty almost swallow∣ed up, and turned into slavery, our Religion into Popery? Pag. 18.

The Prelates late Canons and Oath, purposely contrived for the per∣petuating of their Hierarchy, and their other treacherous endeavours a∣gainst the State, joyning with the Papists, and with them labouring to bring all into Confusion, hath helped thus far toward the taking them a∣way both Root and Branch. Pag. 19.

The Roman Emperors wasted the Saints in ten several persecutions, but all these were nothing in comparison of this destroyer, all their loins not so heavy as the little fiuger of Anti-Christ. Pag. 25.

You are in part (Honorable and well-beloved) one of the Angels who are to pour out the vial of the wrath of God. Pag. 37.

Had this bloody contrivance took effect, this Honorable Assembly had been made as a Parlament of Paris, the greatest Instruments of the King∣doms Slavery and vassallage for time to come. Pag. 39.

Page  21Think now how deeply you are engaged, and brought under the curse of God, if you perform not this Solemn Covenant, think how hor∣rid a thing it will prove sor any of you to stand perjured men before God in matters of such consequence. Pag. 41.

All Protestant Writers do agree, that we are under the pouring out of some one or more of these seven Vials, some think the fourth Vial is now pouring out on the Anti-Christian world, others the fift on the throne of the Beast. Pag. 44.

I dare speak it as confidently as I believe the Revelation to be Divine Scripture, that what Viol so ever is now pouring out, the issue will be, Anti-christ shall lose, and Christ shall gain. Pag. 45.