An Account of the present condition of the Protestants in the Palatinate in two letters to an English gentleman.
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A True Account of the Sad Con∣dition of the Protestants in the Palatinate.


I Agree with you, that the Palatinate is one of the best Countries in the World; whose natural fertility and plenty is such, that there is none that recovers itself sooner after a War than it. But affairs at this time are such, that it cannot be expected that we should see it in that flourishing condition it was formerly, when you saw it in your Travels. During the War, our hopes to have our condition better'd by the Peace that shou'd insue, made us cheer∣fully suffer, hoping to enjoy our Estates and Religion as formerly, when hostilities should cease. But our expectations proved vain, for though the War is ended, yet the Wild Boars are ravaging our Vineyards. But these Page  2 blood-thirsty Zealots for Religion, though they differed from us in opinion, yet we suf∣fered them to dwell among us, and were used kindly: for requital of which kind usage, they are now turning us out of our Houses, and Churches. Thus those whom we tolerated and protected amongst us, are for extirpating and depriving us of that shelter and counte∣nance that we afforded them; by which means a new fire is kindled here in the Palati∣nate, so that we Protestants are in as ill a case, as the French Reformed are in France, and worse than you were in England under the late King James; In this, that you had only the storm hanging over you, but this is fallen on our heads, to the extirpating the Protestants, and their Religion out of their Native Coun∣try, and this is to make way for Popery, aad a crew of indigent Romanists who seek but for occasions to profit by the ruin of such of their neighbours, that cannot adhere to them in their superstition.

With permission I would here make some reflections how little consonant it is to the Princes Secular Interest to countenance Inno∣vations Page  3 contrary to the saith and practice of his predecessors, by which we may observe that none of the Romish perswasion are to be trusted, but they will when opportunity offers itself omit nothing to propagate their Religion, to effect which they will wade through all difficulties, though they thereby sacrifice the Peace and Riches of their Country, and their faith given; so inherent is persecution to Popery that to be a Papist and a Persecutor may be looked upon as convertible terms, that imply the same thing.

These are those who are for Damning all that are not of their opinion, a true mark of a bad Cause, that dare not trust God to convert Souls his way, but to assist him in his work will use Fire, Faggots, Dragoons, Force, Ter∣rors, and all to constrain those that differ from them, to a complyance; but they con∣sider not that Conscience cannot be forced, tho the Will and Body may consent and yield to for∣bid compliances, yet the Conscience will ever bear inward testimony against all such sinful consents, let the imposing be never so dreadful to Na∣ture; for we are taught not to fear men, but him that with the body can destroy the Soul also.

Page  4 But this is the sad State of those Countries that fall into Popish hands, who suffer them∣selves to be byassed by a bigotted Clergy, by whom they are influenced to become unnatu∣ral to their Subjects, and instruments of over∣turning the established foundation both of Church and State. Thus the Popish Clergy be∣comes in a Commonwealth, what Vermine are to the fruits of the earth, whom they de∣stroy and consume, and so become the plague of the Age and Country where-ever they got foot∣ing.

The long experience of these truths might open the eyes of Soveraigns, and let them see the selfishness of these Catterpillars: How have they devoured the Laity? and cloathed themselves with the fattest, and fairest of their effects. How many Families have been impoverished to inrich Monasteries and Abbeys, and Religious Societies, who are so many Nur∣series of Pride and Idleness; so that that most nu∣merous part of the Subjects are become the most useless members of the Commonwealth where they reside.

Page  5 It were to be wished, that Princes in this Age, as in the times of Reformation, knew their Interest so effectually, as to banish that Vermine, and as in England convert those in∣comes to better uses; this is it that hath made your Island so powerful and wealthy, as it is at this day, as also other Countries and places where Church Lands are possessed by the Laity, whereas in Popish Countries the Clergy pos∣sesses one half, in some three parts, and in o∣thers more; which revenues, if otherwise dis∣posed of as in Protestant Countries, the Prince and People would be proportionably rich ac∣cording to the rest of their reformed neigh∣bours. But our Prince, not content to find a Country lately fallen to him by inheritance, disposed so advantagiously for his interest by the constitution of its government, but he must bring in innovations, and not satisfied to en∣joy such a Principality as his Predecessors left him, but he must act so prejudicially to his own interest, and the ruin of his Subjects, by settling his Religion at the cost of what is ta∣ken from the right owners. It was not so with Charles Louis, the former Elector Palatine, who Page  6 though a Protestant, would not suffer the Protestant Ministers, nor indeed any other of the different perswasions to inveigh one against another, altho it might be expected that this our Prince might have retained a tincture of such Principles, more especially being descended from a Protestant off-spring. But this consideration hard for the Romish party is this day required with ingratitude. Would to God that our Prince would but make reflection on the advantage and benefits that did accrues to the Son of that Prince, viz. Charles the last Protestant Elector Palatine. He found the Country in a flourishing condition, with a great Treasure in Monies, all which were marks of his Fathers prudence, by which means he was enabled to support his Countrey, and protect those of different perswasions, that flocked to him from all parts, as they use to do as soon as a peace is established, by which means his Country was replenished with inhabitants, which so long a War had unpeopled, and ha∣ving suitable priviledges granted them were thereby incouraged to be Inhabitants, and to increase Trade.

Page  7 Thus the Palatinate was replenished with In∣habitants, the ruined Cities rebuilt, and new ones erected, as Manheim and Fredericksbourg: this effect had Toleration and that in a short time, for the Protestants had that incourage∣ment, that their Religion was the Religion of the Country, and others were drawn thi∣ther by their being tolerated and countenanced by publick Authority, where all finding pro∣tection were incouraged to Trade and gather riches, since they were assured to dwell quiet∣ly in the profession of their different perswa∣sions.

But what incouragements is there now to live here, where promises are violated? The Natives that have been frighted from their Ha∣bitations, and scattered into other Countries by the War, dare not now return, seeing our Prince is for introducing Popery and its profes∣sors, who being less numerous and rich than the Protestants, the end of repeopling, and reinsta∣ting the Country in its former glory cannot be expected, for they shew to have nothing in view but the violating the rights and properties of the Protestants, as will appear by this following Narrative.

Page  8 At Heidelberg and Manheim they have built very much, since his Electoral Highness hath published a Proclamation, wherein he pro∣mises a freedom of thirty years, and assures them that their priviledges shall not be altered, but that he will maintain them all, which did incourage us to carry on our buildings, so that the work advanced very much; but having since issued out another Proclamation, by which the Popish Holy days are injoin'd to be kept through the whole Palatinate, and that the Protestant burying places shall be common, our Buildings are at a stand, and we see the Romish Religion introduced by Authority, and exer∣cised in our Churches through the whole Pala∣tinate. Also his Electoral Highness has taken from us the seven Latin Schools, with the Cloyster and Church at Heidelberg, where they are erecting Cloysters for the Franciscans, Augu∣stins, and Capuchins, with a Seminary for the Jesuits; and are very busy to get into their possession the Holy Ghost or Cathedral Church, as also the Collegium Sapientiae As they have done with the Cathedral Churches at Wein∣heim and Ladenburg and other places, and Page  9 has taken from the Ecclesiastical Council, and the Verwaltung their ancient priviledges and rights, and the revenues, Liberties and proper∣ties, and the Freedom of disposing of their Ecclesiastical Incomes, so that the Lands which belong to the Ministers and the Tythes, which make a part of their Salary, are given to the Roman Catholicks, which proceedings have cast us into so great aconsternation, that we have lost all courage, even our desires are cooled from going on with our Buildings.

When his Electoral Highness came into the Palatinate, and chose the Castle of Weinheim for his residence, he then promised, and assured both Laity and Clergy, that he would main∣tain all their priviledges, but we find these were but Popish promises, which do afflict us very much, and the more in that his Electoral Highness refuses to fill up the vacancies in the Ecclesiastical Council, which consists at present but of two persons, whereas their number ought to be six, and a President. It is true he promises to allow the Protestant Mini∣sters something out of their income for their Subsistance, but without doubt, it will be little enough.

Page  10 At Creutznach the Church that stands upon the Egg Market, they converted to their own use with the Latin Schools, which were thirty year since built at the Protestants cost, and were endowed with a Subsistance for their Ministers and Schoolmasters, out of the Carmelites re∣venues, that was secularized by the Treaty of Peace made at Munster, which income they injoyed ever since before the troubles in Bohe∣mia to this time. They detain likewise a Fund of a 1000 Rix-dollars made by the Protestants and with it also the interest of the principal, borrowed of the poors Stock, all which they imploy to pay Popish School-masters, and for Popish uses.

It is also forbidden upon pain of Death to expound the 80th question in the Palatine Catechism, which treats of the difference be∣tween the Lords Supper and the Popish Mass. At Hackenheim three quarters of an hour from Creutznach, a Roman Priest went into the Protestant Church, and did not only pull the Minister out of the Pulpit, where he was preaching, but beat him out of the Church also, and he, and those that were with him Page  11 handled most barbarously, those of the Con∣gregation who being wounded, were obliged to go out of the Church, to have their wounds dressed. About a German mile from Creutznach a Roman Priest set on those who were with him to kill a Protestant Barber, because said he, he is a Protestant Dog to effect which they knocked him down with their clubs, tho the poor man begged upon his Knees for mercy, and his Life, they would not grant it, but while the wretch was crawling on the ground, they shot him thro the head with small shot. Notwith∣standng all this the Murderers go free, nor do the Magistrates take any notice of it; tho he has left a poor Widow with five small Chil∣dren, who can obtain no justice, which seems as if the Magistrates approved this inhuman murther, seeing those who committed this Cru∣elty were no strangers, but the Barbers neigh∣bours, and very well known.

All the Houses that belong to Protestant Alms, and Hospitals are taken away by force, with those belonging to Protestant Ministers and School-masters, whom they molest and di∣sturb in the executing of their functions, com∣pelling Page  12 them to deliver up their Schools and Houses, to be employed for Popish uses. Nei∣ther will they grant that the Protestant Clergy be any longer under the Ecclesiastical Council, but will have them wholly to depend, and be govern'd by the Elector's Secular Officers. When one of the Parents is a Roman Ca∣tholick, there the Children are compelled to embrace the Popish Religion, though it be both against the Parents and the Childrens will; neither are Ministers permitted to admit any of them to be brought up in their Religion, upon pain of Imprisonment, and 50 Rixdollars fine, nor will they suffer any Roman Catholick to turn Protestant. And when the Protestants with all submission make complaints, humbly representing how all these proceedings tend to their ruin, and demonstrate how it is against the Peace of Munster, and those articles of Agreement that were made, they answer, and publish abroad, that that the Ecclesiastical Councils orders are against the Elector's and Country's interest, and tend to Rebellion, and that they assume a Despotick power against the Government, which tends to Sedition. Also Page  13 that the Protestant Ministers were Seditious Rebels, Disturbers of the Peace, and as such they Imprison them, thinking thereby to strike terror into others. To remedy which, tho complaints be never so submissively made of these their Grievances, representing also, that through these Ministers confinement, people are deprived of their Teachers, and Divine Service is obstructed, yet they are so far from working any good effect, by appeasing these Incendiaries, that it animates them rather to proceed to make them more uneasie, by quar∣tering on them numbers of the Electors Troops, who use them cruelly, living in their houses after a Military manner. And when some of the Parishioners by their Superiours complain against such proceedings, and crave Relief in favour of their Ministers, they fall on them in a cruel manner, beating them in such sort that they are often taken for dead out of their hands: Neither does their inhu∣manity end here, but bloody and wounded as they left them, they throw them into Prisons, where they run the hazard of perishing. Moreover, they send to quarter upon those. Page  14 Complainants Dragoons, who break their Doors and Windows making forcible En∣tries, then turn their Wives and Children out of doors. These crying evils induce the In∣spectors to make complaints to the Deputy Lieutenants against those barbarous proceed∣ings; but they receive no other answer, but that the Ministers were Rebels, and therefore they ought not to meddle or concern them∣selves for them, lest they incur themselves his Electoral Highnesses displeasure.

When the poor people, taking the part of their innocent Ministers, complain to a high∣er Court, of these barbarous proceedings, humbly begging a remedy to these grievances, they receive fair promises, but never see the effects thereof. Thus the suffering party re∣ceives no relief, and the oppressors are unpu∣nished. But what else can be expected, when all the places of trust are put in Popish hands, and the Protestant Natives, though better qualified, are not regarded. This is the sad condition of our Country at this time, our troubles have so dejected our countenances that death and paleness seem painted there. The Page  15 thoughts of our sorrows are our companions night and day, our bodies are bowed down, and our spirits sunk with grief, so that it seems as if we had no more life left than to serve us to cry unto God for help. I wish all good Christians would joyn with us in this good work.

Certainly our Prince must be our great enemy, for else he could never have consent∣ed to the oppressions here mentioned, and sure no body wou'd have condemned him, for main∣taining the Country in statu quo as he found it, and is obliged thereto according to the constitutions of the Empire, and the solemn assurances given by this Electors Father, to Charles, the last Protestant Elector Palatine, when he named him his Successor, that there should be no alterations made in Religion.