The life & death of Mr. Joseph Alleine, late teacher of the church at Taunton, in Somersetshire, assistant to Mr. Newton whereunto are annexed diverse Christian letters of his, full of spiritual instructions tending to the promoting of the power of Godliness, both in persons and families, and his funeral sermon, preached by Mr. Newton.
- Title
- The life & death of Mr. Joseph Alleine, late teacher of the church at Taunton, in Somersetshire, assistant to Mr. Newton whereunto are annexed diverse Christian letters of his, full of spiritual instructions tending to the promoting of the power of Godliness, both in persons and families, and his funeral sermon, preached by Mr. Newton.
- Author
- Alleine, Theodosia.
- Publication
- London :: Printed for Nevil Simmons ...,
- 1672.
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- Subject terms
- Alleine, Joseph, 1634-1668.
- Funeral sermons.
- Sermons, English -- 17th century.
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"The life & death of Mr. Joseph Alleine, late teacher of the church at Taunton, in Somersetshire, assistant to Mr. Newton whereunto are annexed diverse Christian letters of his, full of spiritual instructions tending to the promoting of the power of Godliness, both in persons and families, and his funeral sermon, preached by Mr. Newton." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 25, 2025.
- title page
- The Contents.
- to the reader
These Books following are Published by Mr. Richard Baxter;and Printed for Nevil Simmons,at the Princes-Armsin Saint Pauls Church-yard. - advertisement
Books Printed for Dorman Newman,at the Kings-Armsin the Poultry. -
THE Life & Death Of that Excellent Minister of Christ, Mr.
JOSEPH ALLEIN, Late Teacher of the Church atTaunton inSomerset-shire; Assistant to worthy Mr.Newton. - CHAP. I. The Introduction.
CHAP. II. A Brief Relation of his early setting forth in the Christian Race, from his Childhood: Also some Memorials of his Industrious and Prosperous pur∣suit of Learning, and of his singular Piety during his Abode in theUniversity. Written by an Eye-Witness thereof. -
CHAP. III. A brief Character of him by that Reverend Person Mr.R. A. who was nearly related to him, shewing how eminently he wus qualified for the Ministerial Service and Warfare, unto which he was called. -
CHAP. IV. An Account of his Godly Life and Practice, and of the Course of his Ministry inTaunton, given by Mr.George Newton, the Reverend Pastor there, whose Assistant he was. -
CHAP. V. A further Account of his Catechizing, both in Pub∣lick and Private, by Mr.G. -
QUESTIONS, Whereby a Christian may every day examine himself. -
CHAP. VI. A full Narrative of his Life, (from his Silencing till his Death) by his Widdow Mrs.Theodosia Allein, in her own Words; wherein is notably set forth with what patience he ran the Race that was set before him, and fulfilled the Ministry that he had received of the Lord. -
CHAP. VII. Some Notes from another, whose House he Lodged in (Mr.F. ) -
CHAP. VIII. An intire and exact Delineation of this Holy Person, Written by one of his familiar Acquaintance; presented in the last place, as the Portraiture of a compleat Gospel-Minister.-
First, His Personal Character. His Stature and Complexion. - His Constitution.
- His Judgment.
- His Memory.
- His Phansie.
- His Will and Affections.
- His great Gravity.
- His Affability.
- His Charity.
- His Utterance.
Secondly, His Studies and Learning. -
Thirdly, His Moderation and Humility. -
Fourthly, His Practice as to Church-Communion His Judgment as to Obedience to Authority. - His Loyalty.
Fifthly, His respect to Second-Table Duties. -
Sixthly, His Labours in the Ministry. -
1. On the Ignorant, in instructing and catechizing them. -
2. On those that Err, by reproving and reducing them. - His truly Heroick Spirit.
3. On the Doubting, by Resolving and Releasing them. -
Seventhly, His singular Piety. - His Contempt of the World.
- His Universal and Uniform Obedience.
- His care of his Thoughts and Ends, especially Morning and Evening.
- His delight in Self-examination.
- His frequent and generous Designs.
- His Delight in Meditation.
- His delight in Praising, &c.
- His Time-redeeming Thrist.
CHAP. X. A few Additions to the former Character, by his Re∣verend and Intimate Friend Mr.R. F.
- title page
CHRISTIAN LETTERS Full of SPIRITUAL INSTUCTIONS, Tending To the Promoting of the Power of Godliness, both in Persons, and Families.
- LETTER, 1.
- LETTER II. [Prepare for Suffering.]
- LETTER III. [Warning to Professors.]
- LETTERS IV. (A Call to the Unconverted.)
- LETTER, V. [Trust God, and be sincere.]
- LETTER, VI. [Look out of your Gravos upon the World.]
- LETTER VII. [First, Christian Marks: 2. Duties.]
- LETTER, VIII. [How to shew love to Ministers, and live joyfully.]
- LETTERS IX. [Easie Sufferings.]
- LETTER, X. [The Love of Christ.]
- LETTER, XI. [Remember Christ crucified, and crucifie Sin.]
- LETTER XII. [For daily Self-Examination.]
- LETTER, XIII. [Motives and Marks of Growth.]
- LETTER XV. [Perswasion to Sinners, and comfort to Saints]
- LETTER, XVI. [How to live to God.]
- LETTER, XVII. [Motives to set our selves to please God.]
- LETTER, XVIII. [The Worth of Holiness,]
- LETTER XIX. [1. Try. 2. Rejoyce.]
- LETTER XX. [The Felicity of Believers.]
- LETTER XXI. [What do you more than others?]
- LETTER XXII. [Christian Care, Faith, Self-denial.]
- LETTER XXIII. [Right Reasons in Suffering.]
- LETTER XXIV. [Councel for Salvation.]
- LETTER XXVI. [The Character and Priviledges of true Believers.]
- LETTER XXVII. [Of the Second coming of Christ.]
- LETTER XXVIII. [Of the Love of Christ.]
- LETTER XXIX. [Warning to Professors of their Danger.]
- LETTER XXX. [An Admiration of the Love of God.]
- LETTER XXXII. [He that endureth to the end shall be saved.]
- LETTER XXXIII. [For Perseverance.]
- LETTER XXXV. [Good Counsel to his Wife.]
- LETTER, XXXVI. [To his Wife, Desires after Heaven.]
- LETTER, XXXVII. [God is a satisfying Portion.]
- LETTER XXXVII. [To a person of Quality to be constant.]
- LETTER XXXV. [The Concernments of our Souls espe∣cially to be regarded.]
- LETTER XXXVI. [Godly Counsels.]
- LETTER XXXVIII. [Do all in reference to God and his glory.]
- LETTER XXXIX. PRISON-COMFORTS. [To a Minister in Prison.]
LETTER. XL. [Directions to the Ministers of
Somersetshire andWistshire, for the instructing of Families by way of Catechising.]
- title page
- sermon