Saint Augustine his enchiridion to Laurence, or, The chiefe and principall heads of all Christian religion a most profitable booke to all those which desire to haue a most compendious briefe of Augustines doctrine, out of Augustine himselfe, when he was old, being repurged, by the old manuscript, of many faults and vnusuall wordes, wherewith it formerly flowed.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.

CHAP. Cxvli.

That true Charitie is an effect of true faith and hope: and that there is not true faith, but that, that doth worke by loue.

NOw, for Charitie, which the Apostle pronounceth to be greater then these two, that is, faith and hope; by how much the greater it is in any man, by so much hee is the better in whome it is. For, when wee aske whether a man bee good or not, Wee aske not, what hee beleeues or hopes for, but what hee loueth. For, hee that loues aright, doubtlesse beleeues and hopes aright. But hee which loues not, beleeues in vaine, though the thinges bee true hee doth beleeue: and hopes Page  284 in vaine, though the things hee hope for, pertaine to true felici∣tie: vnlesse he beleeue and hope for this also: That God, at his humble suite, both can and will giue vnto him, the affection of loue. For, although no man can hope without loue, yet it may and doth sometimes fal out, that a man loues not that, without which hee cannot attaine the thing hee hopeth for. As, if a man hope for eternall life, and yet neither hath, nor loueth righteousnesse, without which no man attaineth eternall life. This is that faith of Christ which the Apostle commendes, which works by loue: and what it findes defectiue in loue, it asketh, that it may receiue, and seeketh that it may finde, and knocketh that it may bee opened vnto it. For, faith obtaineth what the lawe commandeth. For, without the gift of God; That is, without the holy Ghost, by which the loue of God is shed abroade in Page  285 our hearts, the lawe may require obedience, but worketh no obe∣dience, but rather maketh a man a more greenous transgressor, be∣cause it taketh from him the ex∣cuse of ignorance. For, there, doubtlesse, carnall concupiscēce swayeth all, where the loue of God hath no place.