Saint Augustine his enchiridion to Laurence, or, The chiefe and principall heads of all Christian religion a most profitable booke to all those which desire to haue a most compendious briefe of Augustines doctrine, out of Augustine himselfe, when he was old, being repurged, by the old manuscript, of many faults and vnusuall wordes, wherewith it formerly flowed.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
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CHAP. 88.

That it is an easie matter with God to restore vnto vs our flesh againe, howsoeuer it be con∣sumed.

THis earthly matter whereof the flesh of man is created, is not lost with God: but, into what soeuer dust or ashes it is resolued, into whatsoeuer vapors or coasts it is carryed, into whatsoeuer substance of other bodies, or the elements themselues it bee tur∣ned, into the flesh of whatsoeuer beasts or men it is incorporated and changed; It returneth again in a moment of time to the same soule of man which at first brea∣thed life into it, whereby it was made man, increa∣sed, and liued.