Saint Augustine his enchiridion to Laurence, or, The chiefe and principall heads of all Christian religion a most profitable booke to all those which desire to haue a most compendious briefe of Augustines doctrine, out of Augustine himselfe, when he was old, being repurged, by the old manuscript, of many faults and vnusuall wordes, wherewith it formerly flowed.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.

Animaduersions vpon the 71. Chap.

The dayly prayer of the faithful, maketh satisfaction for dayly and small sinnes, &c.

THis Chapter seemeth a little to leane vnto the doctrine of Ueniall sins: But, Danaeus (com∣menting vpon this very place) doth discusse and clear that doubt: say∣ing, that by a figuratiue kinde of Page  169 speaking, that thing is attribu∣ted here, to the effect of prayer, which belongeth onely to the passi∣on of Christ; whose blood is the ex∣piation, and cause of remission, both of light and heauy sinnes. For, praier is the waie and meanes, di∣rected by Christ himselfe, to ob∣teine our petitions of God, saying in the seauenth of Mathew, Ask and it shall be giuen you. Which attribute of prayer, is much like vnto the Merchant, who, if hee haue made a prosperous voyage, or aduenture, vseth to saie, that he hath been enriched by that his voyage or aduenture. Finally, Danaeus doth cite a comparatiue speech of auntient Fathers, who affirmed that great sinnes were to bee done away by penance, and small offences by iteration or dai∣ly saying of the Lords Praier: lest any man should take a liberty to sinne, hearing that enormious sinnes might be redeemed by pe∣nance; or on the other side, should bee terrified and driuen to despair Page  170 if he were inioyned penance for e∣uery small fault and insirmitie. Prayer therefore maketh way to the remission of both these degrees of sinnes, by the blood of Christ alone, howsoeuer the discipline of the Church teacheth vs to knowe, how to obtaine forgiuenesse in ei∣ther kinde. Let not therefore this Chapter preiudice Saint Augu∣stine, in that point of doctrine, nor peruert any other therein.