Saint Augustine his enchiridion to Laurence, or, The chiefe and principall heads of all Christian religion a most profitable booke to all those which desire to haue a most compendious briefe of Augustines doctrine, out of Augustine himselfe, when he was old, being repurged, by the old manuscript, of many faults and vnusuall wordes, wherewith it formerly flowed.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.

TOVCHING REMIS∣sion of sinnes and Iusti∣fication.

CHAP. 64.

That remission of sinnes is neces∣sarie to all the godly: because, although many of them liue without fault in action, yet not without sinne.

NOw, when as our sinnes be pardoned, then be the holy Angels reconciled vnto vs, and at peace with vs. Therfore, after memorie made of the Church, forgiuenesse of sinnes followeth the same, as it is set downe in the order of the Creede. For, vpon this foundation standeth Page  150 the Church, which is vpō earth. By this also that is not lost, which was lost and found againe. For, set a-part the gift of Baptisme; which was bestowed to redeeme originall sinne (whereby, that which was vitious in our first birth, might bee taken a∣way by our second birth or re∣generation, freeing vs also from al offences cōmitted in thought, word, or deede, which it mee∣teth with) This great indulgen∣cie therefore, I say, excepted (from whence mans renouati∣on hath his beginning) and by which indulgencieal guiltinesse or imputation of sinne, as well originall as actuall, is satisfied: yet the rest of mans life, after such time as hee hath vse or rea∣son, howsoeuer it excell in fruit∣fulnesse of good workes, cannot run on his course in this world, without remission of sinnes; be∣cause the children of GOD, so long as theyliue in the flesh, haue conflict with death. And, albe∣it, Page  151 it is truely said of them, that as many as be led by the spirit of God, be the sonnes of God: yet, are they so prouoked by the spi∣rit of God, and as the children of God learne to become his, as that also, (chiefly through the burthen of the bodie, being cor∣rupted) euen by the weakenesse of their owne spirit, and as they are the children of men, are they imperfect in themselues & sinnefull, by reason of certaine humane motions: wherin there is a difference, as hath beene suf∣ficiently said thereof. For, it fol∣loweth not, that because euerie crime is a sinne; therefore euery sinne should be a crime. Wher∣fore we say, that the life of god∣ly men in this world, wherein they liue, may bee found to bee without crime; but, if we should say, without sinne, wee deceiue our selues, and there is no truth in vs, as the holy Apostle saith.

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CHAP. 65.

Wee are not to despaire of any sin∣ner in the Church, in respect of the benefitte of penance left thereunto: Howbeit, the so∣lemne and set times, appointed for those which are to do open penance in the Church, were ordained to a good ende.

NEither are they to despaire of the mercie of God in the remission of their sinnes, be they neuer so great, in his holy Church, which performe pe∣nance according to the qualitie of the sin, which euery one par∣ticularly committeth. And, in the dooing of penance, when the fact committed, is of that qualitie as the offender is cut off from the body of Christ; in such a case, the measure or limitation of time is not so much to be res∣pected, as the sorrow and griefe of the offender. For, God doth Page  153 notdespise an heart that is con∣trite and humbled. But because, for the most part, one man doth not knowe the sorrowe of ano∣ther mans heart, the same not being made apparant to other men, either by wordes or other kind of demonstration, because it is onely knowen to him to whom it is said, My mourning is not hidden from thee; Times therefore of penance were well appointed by those which beare authoritie in the Church, that the Church might be satisfied, in the which such sinnes are com∣mitted. For, out of the Church there is no remission of sins: Be∣cause the Church most proper∣ly retaineth the holy Ghost for an earnest, without whome no sinnes be forgiuen: in so much, as whosoeuer be absolued ther∣by, such be made partakers of euerlasting life.

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CHAP. 66.

That the force and effect of remis∣sion of sinnes, as also the pu∣nishment of our sins, is rather found and felt in the world to come, then in this world.

FOr, Remission of sinnes is or∣dained chiefly in respect of the day of iudgement which is to come. For, in this life that saying of Ecclesiasticus, falleth out to bee true; That there is an heauie yoak vpon the sonnes of Adam, from the day of their comming out of their mothers woombe, vntill the day of their burial into the earth, the mother of all mankind; insomuch, as wee see that infants, after their baptisme, bee tormented with the affliction of many euills. Whereby we may learne, that whatsoeuer is accomplished by the sacraments for our saluation, is rather to giue vs hope of fu∣ture Page  155 ioyes, then hould or adep∣tion of present felicities. For, in this life many sinnes seeme to be pardoned and not reuenged by any correction, but their punish∣ments reserued till the later day (which is not vainely as it is pro∣perly called the day of iudge∣ment, wherein the iudge of the quicke and the dead, shall appeare): Euen as on the con∣trary, many sins bee reuenged in this world, and not withstanding they be here not forgiuen, shal not stand vp against vs in the world to come. Wherfore tou∣ching certaine of those tempo∣rall punishments which bee in∣flicted in this life vpō sinners, to those whose faults are forgiuen, the Apostle saith, For, if we would iudge our selues, wee should not be iudged by God. But, when wee are indged, wee are chastned of the Lord, because we should not be cō∣demned with the world.