Saint Augustine his enchiridion to Laurence, or, The chiefe and principall heads of all Christian religion a most profitable booke to all those which desire to haue a most compendious briefe of Augustines doctrine, out of Augustine himselfe, when he was old, being repurged, by the old manuscript, of many faults and vnusuall wordes, wherewith it formerly flowed.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
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TOVCHING THE baptizing of Iohn Baptist.

CHAP. 49.

That Iohns baptisme did not wash away sins, but was onely a pre∣paratiue to Christs baptisme: & why Christ would bee baptized by Iohn.

THey were not therefore re∣generate, who were bapti∣zed by Iohns baptisme, wherein e himselfe was also baptized: But, they which receiued bap∣tisme at his hands, were prepa∣red by his fore-running mini∣stry, it were, who said, Pre∣pare the way of the Lord, to him onely, by whom onely they bee regenerate. For, his baptisme was not in water onely, as Iohns was, but also in the holy Ghost; that by the same holy Ghost, e∣uery one might be regenerated Page  118 which beleeued in Christ; of which holy Ghost, Christ being borne, needed no regeneration. Whereupon, the speech of God the Father vsed vnto him that was baptised, thou art my sonne, this day haue I begotten thee, doth not only point at that par∣ticular day wherein he was bap∣tised, but hath relation also to the time of his immutable eter∣nitie, thereby to giue demon∣stration that the man Christ ap∣pertained to the person of the onely begotten sonne. For, whereas that day, neither ta∣keth his beginning from the end of yesterday, nor endeth at the beginning of to morrow, it is therefore alwaies to day. Hee would therefore be baptized by Iohn in the water, not because a∣ny iniquitie that was in him should be therby washed away; but that his humility might 〈…〉. So there∣fore 〈◊〉 to passe, that bap∣tism 〈…〉 him that Page  119 needed washing, no more then death found any cause in him worthy punishment: that the diuell beeing oppressed &c. van∣quished by the veritie of his righteousnes, and not by the force of his power (because hee had most vniustly slaine him, without any desert of sinne) hee might iustly lose the interest & possession, which he had of those which he held as prisoners, for the debt of sinne. Hee therefore was partaker of both, (that is to say, of baptisme & of death) and that cruely, in regard of Gods fauourable decree, or dispositi∣on, it should be so, and not vpon any vrgent cause to bee pittld; but other vpon his pittifull will and disposition to vndergoe the same, that que mā might free the worlde of sinne, euen as one mā brought sinne into the world; that is to say, vpon all mankinde.

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TOVCHING THE death, crucifying, resurrection, and ascension of Christ: is also of the fruit following all these. CHAP. 50.

By Christ, not onely originall sin is abolished, but also all other sinnes forgiuen.

ONely this beeing the diffe∣rence, that one man had brought one sinne vpon the 〈◊〉, and this one man hath taken away, not onely that one sinne, but also all other sinnes which he found added thereun∣to. Wherupon the Apostle faith, The hurt done by one hauing sin∣nes, is not comparable with the benefit〈…〉〈◊〉 which came by one. For, one sinne pulled vpon vs the iustice of God to our condem∣nation; but his grace or fauour Page  121 Iustifieth vs from many sinnes; Because, verely, that one sinne wherewith wee bee originally stained, although, it bee 〈◊〉 and but one, maketh euery one subiect to damnation; and the grace or mercy of God, on the other side, iustifieth a man from many sinnes, who besides that one, whereof generally and ori∣ginally hee is Partaker with all mankinde, hath manifoldly sinned by his owne transgres∣sion.

CHAP. 51.

All in Adam were damned: but all 〈◊〉 Christ, be fra∣ud from this damnation.

HOwbeit, inasmuch as a little after he saith, As 〈◊〉 mans transgression 〈◊〉 the condem 〈◊〉 of all 〈◊〉 the righteous∣nesse of one man was wrought the ••stificatione of all, It doth plain∣ly declare, that there were none Page  122 of Adam 〈◊〉, but sonnes of damnation: and none on the o∣ther side deliuered from dam∣nation except he were borne a∣gaine with Christ.

CHAP. 52.

That baptisme beeing in or the si∣militude both of Christ death, and his resurrection, doth eui∣dently declare, that all which be baptized, as well infants, as they which bee at mans esate, doe die to sinne in Christ, and in him also doe rise againe to new∣nesse and holinesse of life.

AFter he had said as much as he thought sufficient for his Epistle, touching the punish∣ment brought vpon vs by one man, and the fauour by another, he doth consequently commād vnto vs the wonderful mysterie or holy baptisme therby to make vs knw, that baptisme in Christ is none other thing, than a simi∣litude Page  123 of Christs death, and on the other side, that the death of Christ, is nothing else but a re∣semblance of the remission of sinne, that, as he died indeed, so are our sinnes truely forgiuen: & as his resurrection was certaine, so is our iùstification. For hee saith, What therefore shall we say? shall we remaine in sin that grace may abound? For he had said be∣fore, where sinne did abound grace did super abound. Whereupon hee propounded vnto himselfe this question, Whether in respect of the aboundance of grace to bee expected; we are to abide in sinne Whereunto he answereth, God forbid. And hee laieth downe a reason, saying, If wee be dead to sinne, howe shall we liue therein? Afterwardes, to shewe that we were dead to sinne, he saith, Doe yee not knowe the same, in as much as: all wee which bee baptized in Christ Iesu, 〈◊〉 bap∣tized in his death? One of which text, if wee bee taught, that wee Page  124 are dead vnto sin, because we are baptized in Christs death; then vndoubtedly bee infants dead vnto sinne, which be baptized in Christ, because they be bapti∣zed in his death. For, it is spoken without exception of any, Who∣soeuer therefore wee be which bee baptized in Christ, wee are bapti∣zed in his death. For, to what sinne doe infants die by regene∣ration, but to that which they conceiued in their birth and ge∣neration? By which reason, that which followeth doeth belong also vnto infants, where it is said, Wee are buried with him by baptisme, into his death, that 〈◊〉 Christ chose from the dead by the glory of the f〈…〉n, so wee should walke in newnesse of 〈◊〉. For, if we be fellow plants in the resemblance of his death, euen so should we bee in the like cale of his resurrection; beeing assu∣red thereof, because the old man in〈…〉 with Christ, that the bo〈…〉 sinne might be Page  125 extinguished, whereby wee might bee no longer the set••ts of sinne. For, hee that dead, is iustified from sinne, or 〈◊〉 no sinne. And, in case wee 〈◊〉 with Christ, we beleeue we 〈◊〉 also liue with him; beeing assul∣red thereof, because, Christ, ri∣sing from death, doeth not now die for euer, and that death also had no further power ouer him. For, in that he died to sinne, hee died but once; and in that he li∣ueth, hee liueth vnto God. In like manner, thinke you that you are dead to sinne, and yet liuing to God in Christ Iesus. Out of this doctrine he began to proue that wee ought not to persist in sinne, that grace might abound, saying, If wee bee dead to sinne, how shall we liue in it? And to shew that we are dead to sinne, he addeth, saying, Doe yee not know, that whosoeuer we be which be baptized in Christ Iesu, we be baptized in his death? He there∣fore concluded that place as hee Page  126 began: for in such sord he speci∣fieth the death of Christ, that he pronounceth Christ died vn∣to sinne. And to what other sinne did he 〈◊〉, but to sinne of the flesh, wherein 〈◊〉 as no sinne, but a similitude onely or 〈◊〉 and therfore he calleth it by the name of sinne? Hee saith there∣fore vnto those which be bapti∣zed in Christ death (wherein not onely men, but also infants me baptized) for also we yowe that is to son, 〈◊〉, Christ; so 〈◊〉 also to thinke, than yee art dead vnto sinne, liuing also vn∣to God in Christ Iesu.

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CHAP. 53.

That the crucifying of Christ, his buriall, resurrection, ascension into heauen, and sitting at the right hand of his father, doe de∣monstrate what the life of a Christian ought to bee in this world.

WHat soeuer therefore was actually performed in the crucifying of Christ, in his buri∣all, resurrection the third day, ascension into heauen, and sit∣ting at the right hand of his fa∣ther, was done to that ende, that the life of a Christian, acted vp∣on this terrestriall stage, should resemble these actions of Christ, which were not mystically per∣formed, onely by relation, but actually indeede suffered. For, as touching his crosse, it is saide to those which will fol∣low him therein, They which be Christs, haue crucified their flesh with their sins & concupiscences. Page  128 And, as touching his buriall it is said, Wee are also buried with Christ, by Baptisme, into his death. Also, concerning his re∣surrection, That, as Christ did rise againe from the dead by the glory of his father, euen so wee should liue in newenesse of life. And, as touching his ascension into heauen, and sitting at the right hand of his father, If ye be risen againe with Christ, seeke those things which bee aboue, where Christ is sitting on the right hand of God. Seeke after celestiall things, and not terre∣striall. For, ye are already dead, and your life laid vp with Christ in God.