[Le morte darthur]
Malory, Thomas, Sir, 15th cent.

¶Capitulum x

THer with syr Tor alyghte and toke the dwarf his gla¦yue / and soo he cam to the whyte pauelione / and sawe thre damoysels lye in it / and one paylet slepyng / & so he wente to the other pauelione / and found a lady lyeng slepyng ther in / But ther was the whyte brachet that bayed at her fast / and therwith the lady yede oute of the pauelione & all her damoy¦sels / But anone as syr Tor aspyed the whyte brachet / he took her by force and took her to the dwerf / what / wille ye so sayd the lady take my brachet from me / ye sayd syr Tor / this bra∣chet haue I sought from kynge Arthurs Courte hyder / well said the lady / knyght ye shalle not go fer with her / but that ye shalle be mette and greued / I shall abyde what auenture that Page  [unnumbered] cometh by the grace of god / and so mounted vpon his hors / and passed on his way towarde Camelot / but it was so nere nyght he myʒt not passe but lytel ferther / knowe ye ony lod∣gyng said Tor I knowe none said the dwarf / but here besy∣des is an hermytage / and there ye muste take lodgynge as ye fynde / And within a whyle they cam to the heremytage & took lodgyng / and was there gras otys and breed for their horses soone it was sped / and full hard was their souper but there they rested hem al nyght tyl on the morne / and herd a masse deuoutely / and tooke their leue of the heremyte / and syre Tor prayed the heremyte to pray for hym / he sayd he wold and be∣tooke hym to god / And soo mounted vpon horsbak and rode towardes Camelot a long whyle / with that they herd a knyʒte calle lowde that came after hem / and he sayd knyghte abyde / & yelde my brachet that thow took from my lady / Syr Tor retor¦ned ageyne / and behelde hym how he was a semely knyghte and wel horsed and wel armed at al poyntes / thenne Syre Tor dressyd his shelde and took his spere in his handes and the other cam fyersly vpon hym / and smote bothe hors & man to the erthe / anone they aroos lyghtely and drewe her swerdes as egrely as lyons and put their sheldes afore them and smo¦te thorow the sheldes that the cantels felle of bothe partyes / Also they tamyd their helmes that the hote blood ranne oute / and the thyck maylles of their hawberkes they carfe and rofe in sonder that the hote blood ranne to the erthe / and both they had many woundes and were passyng wery / But syr Tor as¦pyed that the other knyght faynted / and thenne he sewed fast vpon hym and doubled his strokes and garte hym go to the erthe on the one syde / thenne Syre Tor bad hym yelde hym / that wille I not said Abilleus whyle my lyf lasteth and the soule is within my body onles that thou wilt yeue me the bra¦chet / that wylle I not doo sayd syre Tor / for it was my quest to brynge ageyne thy brachet / the or bothe /