[Le morte darthur]
Malory, Thomas, Sir, 15th cent.

Capitulum Secundum

THenne Vlfius was glad and rode on more than a paas tyll that he came to kynge Vtherpendragon / and told hym he had met with Merlyn / where is he said the kyng sir said Vlfius he wille not dwelle long / ther with al Vlfius was ware where Merlyn stood at the porche of the pauelions dore / And thenne Merlyn was bounde to come to the kynge whan kyng Vther sawe hym he said he was welcome / syr sa∣id Merlyn I knowe al your hert euery dele / so ye wil be sworn vnto me as ye be a true kynge enoynted to fulfille my desyre ye shal haue your desyre / thenne the kyng was sworne vpon the iiij euuāgelistes / Syre said Merlyn this is my desyre / the first nyʒt yt ye shal lye by Igrayne ye shal gete a child on her & Page  [unnumbered] whan that is borne that it shall be delyuerd to me for to nou∣risshe there as I wille haue it / for it shal be your worship / & the childis auaille as mykel as the child is worth / I wylle wel said the kynge as thow wilt haue it / Now make you re¦dy said Merlyn this nyght ye shalle lye with Igrayne in the castel of Tyntigayll / & ye shalle be lyke the duke her husband Vlfyus shal be lyke Syre Brastias / a knyghte of the dukes And I will be lyke a knyghte that hyghte Syr Iordanus a knyghte of the dukes / But wayte ye make not many questi∣ons with her nor her men / but saye ye are diseased and soo hye yow to ledde / and ryse not on the morne tyll I come to yow / for the castel of Tyntygaill is but x myle hens / soo this was done as they deuysed / But the duke of Tyntigail aspyed hou the kyng rode fro the syege of tarabil / & therfor that nyghte he yssued oute of the castel at a posterne for to haue distressid the kynges hooste / And so thorowe his owne yssue the duke hym self was slayne or euer the kynge cam at the castel of Tynti∣gail / so after the deth of the duke kyng Vther lay with Igra∣yne more than thre houres after his deth / and begat on her that nygʒ arthur / & or day cam Merlyn cā to the kyng / & had hym make hym redy / & so he kist the lady Igrayne and departed in all hast / But whan the lady herd telle of the duke her husbād and by all record he was dede or euer kynge Vther came to her thenne she merueilled who that myghte be that laye with her in lykenes of her lord / so she mourned pryuely and held hir pees / Thenne alle the barons by one assent prayd the Kynge of accord betwixe the lady Igrayne and hym / the kynge gaf hem leue / for fayne wold he haue hen acoorded with her / Soo the kyng put alle the trust in Vlfyus to entrete bitwene them so by the entrete at the last the kyng & she met to gyder / Now wille we doo wel said Vlfyus / our kyng is a lusty knyghte and wyueles / & my lady Igrayne is a passynge fair lady / it were grete ioye vnto vs all and hit myghte please the kynge to make her his quene / vnto that they all well acoordd and meued it to the kynge / And anone lyke a lusty knyghte / he assentid therto with good wille / and so in alle haste they we¦re maryed in a mornynge with grete myrthe and Ioye / And Kynge Lott of Lowthean and of Orkenay thenne Page  [unnumbered] wedded Margawse that was Gaweyns moder / And kynge Nentres of the land of Garlot wedded Elayne / Al this was done at the request of kynge Vther / And the thyrd syster mor¦gan efey was put to soole in a nonnery / And ther she lerned so moche that she was a grete Clerke of Nygromancye / And after she was wedded to kynge Vryens of the lond of Gore that was Syre Ewayns le blaunche maynys fader /