[Le morte darthur]
Malory, Thomas, Sir, 15th cent.

¶Capitulum x

FAyr swete fader Ihesu Cryste ne lete me not be sha∣med the whiche was nyghe lost had not thy good gra¦ce ben / And thenne he loked in to a shyp / and sawe her entre therin / whiche sayd sir Percyual ye haue bitrayed me / and soo she wente with the wynde rorynge and yellynge that it semed alle the water brent after her / Thenne syr percyual made grete sorowe / and drewe his suerd vnto hym / sayēg sythen my flessh will be my maister I shalle punysshe it / and there with he rofe hym self thurgh the thygh that the blood starte aboute hym / & said O good lord take this in recompensacion of that I haue do∣ne ageynst the my lord / Soo thenne he clothed hym and armed hym / and called hym helf a wretche / sayenge / how nyghe was I lost / and to haue loste that I sholde neuer haue geten ageyne / that was my vyrgynyte / for that maye neuer be recouerd af∣ter hit is ones lost / and thenne he stopped his bledyng wounde with a pyece of his sherte / Thus as he made his mone he saw the same shyp come fro Oryent that the good man was in the day afore / and the noble knyʒt was ashamed with hym selfe / & there with he felle in a swoune / And whan he awoke he went vnto hym wekely and there he salewed this good man / And Page  [unnumbered] thenne he asked syr Percyual how hast thow done sythe I de∣parted / Sir said he / here was a gentylwoman and ledde me in to dedely synne / And there he told hym all to gyders / knewe ye not the mayde sayd the good man / Syr said he nay but wel I wote the fende sente her hyther to shame me / O good knyghte sayd he thow arte a foole / for that gentilwoman was the maister fende of helle / the whiche hath power aboue alle de∣uyls / and that was the old lady that thow sawest in thyn ad¦uysyon rydynge on the serpent / Thenne he told syr Percyuale how our lord Ihesu Cryst bete hym oute of heuen for his synne the whiche was the moost bryghtest angel of heuen / & therfore he loste his herytage / and that was the champyon that thow foughtest with alle / the whiche had ouercome the / had not the grace of god ben / Now beware syre Percyuale and take thys for an Ensample / and thenne the good man vanysshed awey / Thenne sire Percyual took his armes / and entryd in to the shyp / and soo departed from thens