[Le morte darthur]
Malory, Thomas, Sir, 15th cent.

¶Capitulum viij

SOo whanne tyme came that alle folkes were a bedde / Dame Brysen came to syr launcelots beddes syde and said Syre launcelot du lake slepe yow / My lady quene gwe¦neuer lyeth and awayteth vpon yow / O my fayre lady sayd syr launcelot I am redy to goo with yow where ye will haue me / Soo syr launcelot threwe vpon hym a long gowne / and his suerd in his hand / and thenne dame Brysen took hym by the fynger and ledde hym to her ladyes bedde dame Elayne / And thenne she departed and lefte them in bedde to gyders / wete yow wel the lady was gladde and soo was syr launce∣lot / for he wende that he had had another in his armes / ¶Now leue we them kyssynge and clyppynge as was kyn∣dely thyng / & now speke we of quene gueneuer that sente one of her wymen vnto syr launcelots bed / ¶And whan she came there / she fond the bedde cole / and he was away / soo she came to the Quene and told her alle / Allas said the Quene whe∣re is that fals knyghte become / Thenne the quene was nyghe oute of her wytte / and thenne she wrythed and weltred as a mad woman / and myght not slepe a four or fyue houres / ¶Thenne syre launcelot had a condycion that he vsed of cust∣omme he wolde clater in his slepe / and speke ofte of his lady Quene Gueneuer / Soo as syr launcelot had waked as longe as hit had pleasyd hym / thenne by course of kynde he slepte / & dame Elayne bothe / And in his slepe he talked and clatered as a Iay of the loue that had ben betwixe Quene Gweneuer and hym / ¶ And soo as he talked soo lowde the Quene herde hym there as she laye in her chamber / & when she herde hym soo clater she was nyghe woode and out of her mynde / and for anger and payne wist not what to do / ¶And Page  [unnumbered] thenne she coughed soo lowde that syre launcelot awaked and he knewe her hemynge / ¶ And thenne he knewe well that he lay not by the Quene / and there with he lepte out of his bed as he had ben a wood man in his sherte / and the quene mett hym in the floore / and thus she said / fals traytour knyʒt that thow arte / loke thow neuer abyde in my Courte and auoyde my chamber / and not soo hardy thow fals traytour knyʒt that thow arte that euer thow come in my syghte / Allas sayd syr launcelot / and there with he tooke suche an hertely sorowe atte her wordes that he flle doune to the floore in a swoune / And there with alle Quene Gueneuer departed / And whanne syr Launcelot awoke of his swoune / he lepte oute at a bay wyn∣dowe in to a gardyne / and there with thornes he was alle to cratched in his vysage and his body / and soo he ranne for the he wyst not whyder / and was wylde wood as euer was man and soo he ranne two yere / and neuer man myghte haue grace to knowe hym