[Le morte darthur]
Malory, Thomas, Sir, 15th cent.

¶Capitulum xlix

Page  [unnumbered]NOw begynneth the seuenth bataill / there cam in the du∣ke Cambynes / and there encountred with hym syr A¦rystaunce that was counted a good knyghte / & they mette soo hard that eyther bare other doune hors and man ¶Thenne came there the Erle of lambayle and helped the du∣ke ageyne to hors / Thenne came there syr Ossayse of Surluse / and he smote the erle Lambayle doune from his hors / Thenne beganne they to doo grete dedes of armes / and many speres we¦re broken / and many knyghtes were caste to the erthe

¶Thenne the kynge of Northgalys and the Erle Vlbawes smote to gyders that alle the Iuges thought it was lyke mor¦tal dethe / This meane whyle quene Gueneuer and the haute prynce and syr laūcelot made there syre Dynadan make hym redy to Iuste / I wold said Dynadan ryde in to the felde / but thenne one one of yow tweyne wille mete with me / Per dieu sayd the haute prynce ye maye see hou we sytte here as Iuges with oure sheldes / and alweyes mayst thow beholde whether we sytte here or not / Soo syr Dynadan departed and tooke his hors and mette with many knyghtes / and dyd passynge wel / And as he was departed / syre Launcelot desguysed hym self / and putte vpon his armour a maydens garment fresshe∣ly attyered / Thenne sire Launcelot made sire Galyhodyn to le¦de hym thorugh the raunge / and alle men had wonder what damoysel it was / And soo as sire Dynadan came in to the raunge / sire Launcelot that was in the damoysels araye gatte Galyhodyns spere and ranne vnto sir Dynadan / And alwa∣yes sire Dynadan loked vp there as syre Launcelot was / and thenne he sawe one sytte in the stede of sire Launcelot armed / But whanne Dynadan sawe a maner of a damoysel he drad peryls that it was syre launcelot desguysed / but syre Launce¦lot came on hym so fast that he smote hym ouer his hors cro∣upe / and thenne grete scornes gate sire Dynadan in to the forest there besyde / & there they dispoylled hym vnto his sherte and putte vpon hym a womans garment / and so brought hym in to the felde / and soo they blewe vnto lodgynge / And euery knyght wente and vnarmed them / thenne was sir Dynadan brought in among them alle / And whanne Quene Gueneuer sawe sir Dynadan brought soo amonge them alle / thenne she Page  [unnumbered] lough that she fylle doune / and soo dyd alle that there were / wel sayd Dynadan to launcelot thow arte soo fals that I can neuer beware of the / Thenne by alle the assente they gaf syre Launcelot the pryce / the next was sire Lamorak de galys / the thyrd was sir Palomydes / the fourthe was kynge Bagdema¦gus / soo these four Knyghtes had the pryce / and there was grete Ioye / and grete nobley in alle the Courte / And on the morne Quene Gueneuer and sir Launcelot departed vnto ky∣nge Arthur / but in noo wyse syr Lamorak wold not go with them I shalle vndertake said sire launcelot that and ye wyll goo with vs / kynge Arthur shalle charge syre Gawayne and his bretheren / neuer to doo yow hurte / As for that sayd syre Lamorak I wylle not truste sire Gawayne nor none of his bretheren / and wete ye wel sir Launcelot / and hit were not for my lord Kynge Arthurs sake / I shold matche sire Gawayn and his bretheren wel ynouʒ / But to say that I shold trus∣te them / that shal I neuer / and therfor I pray you recomma∣unde me vnto my lord Arthur and vnto alle my lordes of the round table / And in what place that euer I come I shal do you seruyse to my power / and syr it is but late that I reuen¦gyd that whan my lord Arthurs kynne were put to the werse by sire Palomydes / Thenne sir Lamorak departed from sir laū∣celot / and eyther wepte at their departynge