[Le morte darthur]
Malory, Thomas, Sir, 15th cent.

¶Capitulum xix

THenne whanne this was done / kynge Mark cast al∣weyes in his hert how he myght destroye syr Tristram And thenne he ymagyned in hym self to sende sir tris¦tram in to Irland for la beale Isoud / For sir Trystram had soo preysed her beaute and her goodnes that kynge Mark sa∣id he wold wedde her / where vpon he praid syr Trystram to ta¦ke his wey in to Irland for hym on message / And all this was done to the entente to slee syr Tristram / Not withstandy∣nge syr Trystram wold not reffuse the message for no daūger nor peryl that myght falle for the pleasyr of his vnkel / but Page  [unnumbered] to goo he made hym redy in the most goodlyest wyse that my∣ght be deuysed / For sir Tristram tooke with hym the mooste goodlyest knyghtes that he myght fynde in the courte / & they were arayed after the gyse that was thenne vsed in the goo∣dlyest maner / So sir Tristram departed and toke the see with alle his felauship / And anone as he was in the brode see / a tempest toke hym and his felauship and drofe them bak in to the coste of England / And there they arryued fast by Came¦lot / and ful fayne they were to take the land / ¶And whan they were landed sir Tristram sette vp his pauelione vpon the land of Camelot / and there he lete hange his shelde vpon the pauelione / And that same day came two knyghtes of kynge Arthurs / that one was sir Ector de marys and sir Morganor And they touched the shelde / and badde hym come oute of the pauelione for to Iust and he wold Iust / ye shalle be ansuerd sa¦id sir Tristram and ye wille tarye a lytel whyle / Soo he made hym redy / and fyrste he smote doune sir Ector de marys / and after he smote doune sir Morganor alle with one spere / and so∣re brysed them / And whan they laye vpon the erthe / they as∣ked sir Tristram what he was / and of what countrey he was knyghte / Faire lordes said sir Tristram wete ye wel that I am of Cornewaile / Allas said sire Ector now am I ashamed / that euer ony Cornysshe knyghte shold ouercome me / And thenne for despyte syre Ector put of his armour fro hym / and wente on foot and wold not ryde