The auncient order, societie, and unitie laudable, of Prince Authure, and his knightly armory of the Round Table With a threefold assertion frendly in fauour and furtherance of English archery at this day. Translated and collected by R.R.
- Title
- The auncient order, societie, and unitie laudable, of Prince Authure, and his knightly armory of the Round Table With a threefold assertion frendly in fauour and furtherance of English archery at this day. Translated and collected by R.R.
- Publication
- London :: Imprinted by [R. Jones for] Iohn Wolfe dwelling in Distaffe lane neere the signe of the Castle,
- 1583.
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- Subject terms
- Arthurian romances -- Early works to 1800.
- Archery in literature -- Early works to 1800.
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"The auncient order, societie, and unitie laudable, of Prince Authure, and his knightly armory of the Round Table With a threefold assertion frendly in fauour and furtherance of English archery at this day. Translated and collected by R.R." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed March 2, 2025.
- title page
- To the Right worshipful M. Thomas Smith Esquier chiefe Customer to her Maiestie in the port of London, and to the worshipfull Socyety of Archers, here yearely celebrating the renowmed memory of the magnificent Prince Arthure and his Knightly traine of the Round Table, Grace, Mercy, Peace, and Plenitude of temporall and eternall Beatitude in Christ Iesus our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
- A Praise of the Bovve and Commendation of this Booke, written by Thomas Churchyard Gent.
- THE AVTHOR his French Preface, thus Englished.
- Of the Inuention of ARMES: and for what cause the same were founde out: And of what Nacyon they haue beene established.
- Of the Matter of sub∣stance of ARMES, and whereof they are made.
- part
- Of Nyne thinges which are in the Escucheon making The third Part therof.
- Of the nombre where vntill a Man may nomber all Things which are in Armo∣ries: And when one ought to mencyon any thing without Nomber, or Strawyng.
- S. Lancelot du Lac
- S. Boort de Gauues
- S. Gowainede Orcany
- Messyr Tristran de Lyonis
- Sir Lyonnet de Gauues
- Helyas le Blanc
- Hector des Mares.
- Blyomberyes de Gauues.
- Messire Gaherryet.
- Keux le seneschall.
- Messire Iuaine.
- Bruor le Noir.
- S. Segurades.
- S. Patris le Hardy.
- S. Saphar le Mefcogneu.
- S. Sagremor le Desree.
- Le Roy Ban de Benock
- Le Roy de Claris.
- Le Morhoult de Ireland
- Danayn le Roux,
- S. Brallain, sirnamed, as ye would say: Le Cheuallier aux deux Espées.
- Galehault,
- Lamorat de Listenoys
- Messire Gullat.
- S. Gueherries
- Aggrauain le Orguelleux
- Dodynel le sauage
- Osement Coeur hardy
- Mador de la Port
- Dynadem d'Estrangore
- Eglantine Rochemont
- Guallogrenant de windesor.
- Sir Brandelys
- Sir Leonard le hardy
- Bruyant des Isles.
- Henry le Ioyeux
- Meliadus del Espinoy
- Meliadus le Noir oeil
- Surados des sept Fountaines
- Lucan le Bouteiller
- Persides le Gent
- Tuscane le Romane
- Godfry le Lacois
- Thor le Filz de Arez
- Perceual de Galles
- Sadoc de Vencon
- Gringalois le Fort
- Malaquin le Galoys
- Talemor le Volant
- Arain du Pin
- Messire Palamides
- Sir Hebis
- S. Lamwell of Cardyff
- S. Phetipace of VVinchelsey
- S. Plaine de force
- S. Bodovier of VVinchelsey
- S. Degraine sans Mal
- S. Pryamus
- A Breefe Repetition of the Table Rounde.
- part
- part
- colophon