The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
    L ANTE V.
  • LVcigena,
    ingendred of lyght.
  • Lucto, idem quod luctor.
  • Ludos reddere, & ludos facere,*
    to mock
  • Ludia,
    a mery wene he full of sporte.
  • Lummibus obstruere,
    to stoppe vp the lyght, to lette that the lyghte maye nat come in∣to a house.
  • Lumina preferre,
    to inspyre.
  • Lumminosus, a, um▪
    full of lyght.*
  • Lumbrici,
    lytell fyshes taken in small riuers whyche are lyke to lampurnes, but they be moche lasse, and somewhat yelowe, and are callyd in wylteshire prides.
  • Lupus,
    is a fyshe, whiche some men take for a pyke.
  • Lupus sanctarius,
    hoppes, wherwith biere is made.