The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
    L ANTE A.
  • LABIO,
    is a fyshe, whi∣che I suppose to be that that is callyd God, with the great lyppes. it was alsoo the Surname of a Romayne.
  • Labrum,
    a lyppe. also the brymme of a ryuer also a wasshynge basyn.
  • Laccia,
    a fyshe callyd a cheuyn.
  • *
    Lacerare diem,
    to lose the day, to spende the tyme aboute nought.
  • Lachrimula,
    a lyttell eare.
  • Lacio, lacui, & lexi, lacere,
    to brynge into a snare, or to wynde one in to deceyue him.
  • Lamia,
    is alsoo an herbe callyd a blynde or deade nettyll.
  • Lagopus,
    an herbe, whyche I suppose to be Auyns.
  • Latheris,
    an herbe callyd Spurge.