The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
    G, ANTE A.
  • GABA,
    a towne in Galile
  • Gabalum,
    a towne in Fraunce, nyghe to Nar¦bona, where there was made very good chese.
  • Gabaon,
    a Cytie in the holy lande nyghe to Ra¦ma, where Salomon doing sacrifice, spake with god.
  • Gabaonitae,
    men of that towne.
  • Gabba,
    a citie in Siria.
  • Gabriel,
    signifyeth the puissaunce or myght of god.
  • Galatia,
    a countrey in the lasse Asia.
  • Galgulus,
    a byrde, whom if one do beholde that hath the yelowe iaundise, furthwith the man becommeth hole, and the byrde hath the syckenesse.
  • Galiléa,
    is a countray,* whiche marcheth on Siria, Arabia, and Egypt.
  • Gallaria,
    a lampurne.*
  • Gallus, a, um,
    of Fraunce.
  • Gangaridae,
    people betwene Assiria & Inde.*
  • Gangilium,
    a sickenesse in the hed of a beast, wherwith the hed becometh ful of water.
  • Ganzae,
  • Garūna,
    a ryuer in Fraunce, called Gyrond.
  • Gastrimergia,