The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
    C ANTE H.
  • CHaere, for salue.
  • Chalasis,
    the knotte wherwith wo∣mens garmentes were knytte about they neckes.
  • Chalastricum nitrum,
    saltepeter, whiche is very pure, and lyke to salte.
  • Chalcantum,
    a kynde of ynke lyke to brasse.
  • *
    Chameleuce, ces,
    an herbe growynge by ri∣uers, hauynge leaues lyke a poplar, but moche greatter.
  • Chamemirsyne,
    is a busshe or tree, whiche hath sharpe pryckes in the leaues, & redde bearies cloustred, I suppose it to be that, whiche is callyd holy or holme.
  • Chamitterae, & chamitteridae,
    lyttell ymages, made folowynge a greatter ymage.
  • Chaniscus,
    the hyndermost part of a shyp, by the whiche the anker hangeth.
  • Chanotia,
    a tarte or marchepayne, or other lyke delycate thynge.
  • Chaonides,
    wolfes that do slee hartes.
  • Charchesia,
    a cuppe longe and smalle in the myddell, and full of handels.
  • Charisma, matis,
    a grace or speciall benefite.
  • Charistium,
    a grene marble.
  • Charmesinum,
    a kynde of sylke, which de∣liteth the beholders. I thinke it be crimsin.
  • Charopus,
    amyable, pleasant, or hauynge a good grace.
  • Chartula,
    a lyttell leafe of paper.
  • Chelonalopices,
    I suppose to be the byrdes whiche we do call Barnakles.
  • Chenotrophia,
    a house or place where wa∣terfoule are kepte.
  • Cheospes,
    a kynge of Egypt, whyche made the great steple at Memphis, wheron were so many men workynge, that the same king spent only in parcely, oynyons, and garlike, a thousande and thre score talentes, whych if it were the greate talent, it amounted of oure moneye, to CCl. thousande fyue hun∣dred and fyfty poundes.
  • *
    an hedgehogge.
  • Chironomus,
    a daunser of a moriske.
  • Choa,
    a certayn measure. also vessel, wherin was put lycour, whiche was offred to idols Choenix, a mesure conteining .xxvii. ounces, which is one Sextarius of Athenes, & a half
  • Chomer, idem quod Chorus.
  • Chorocitharista,
    he that leadethe a daunce, and playeth hym selfe on an instrument.
  • Chors, tis,
    a place inclosed, wherin cattelle is kepte, a barton callyd in some place.
  • Chortales aues,
    pultrie fedynge abrode in a barton or court of husbandry.
  • Chorus, siue chomer,
    a measure of the He∣brues, whiche contayneth tenne tymes as moch as Batus, or Ephi, and amounteth to as moche as one and fourtye measures of Athenes, callyd Medimni, whiche in all maketh two thousand, nyne hundred .xii. pounde of measure, euery pounde being xii. ounces.
  • Chorus,
    a measure of grayn, salt, and other lyke thynges, whiche conteyneth as moch as tenne of the measures callyd Medimni Attici, where in euerye Medimnus be .lxxii. Sextarii Attici, Rede in Sextarius. so that hit contayneth of our galons
  • Chreston,
    an herbe callyd also cykorie.
  • Chrysoberillus,
    a chrystal stone, wherin the colour of golde shyneth.
  • Chrysoprassus,
    a stone grene as a leke, ha∣uynge speckes of golde.
  • Chus, seu choa,
    a measure contaynyng nine poundes of measure, whiche is
  • Chytracus,
    a tryuet or cradel, wheron pot∣tes are sette to boyle meate.