The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
    S, ANTE E.
  • ¶SEDVM maius,
    houseleke or syngrene
  • Sedum minus,
    an herbe callid stonecroppe.
  • Page  [unnumbered]
    Selibra Romana,
    the Romayne half pound comprehended asmoch as our hole poūd.
  • Saepia,
    a fyshe hauyng but one bone, wher∣in goldesmythes do make mouldes, and is callyd a cuttyll.
  • Seris,
    an herb callid white endiue & scariole
  • Sextula gemina,
    is the thyrde parte of an ounce, callyd also Duella.
  • ¶Siclus,
    amonge the hebrewes was halfe an ounce.
  • Siliquastrum,
    an herbe whiche some do sup∣pose to be coste mary.
  • Smilax, lacis,
    frenche peasyn.
  • ¶Solanum,
    an herbe, whych some do sup∣pose to be nyghtshade or morell.
  • Solanum soporiferum,
    an herbe, whyche I suppose to be Dwale.
  • Solonos uesicaria, Alkakengi.
  • Sonchus,
    an herbe callyd Southistell.
  • Sportula,
    the stipende giuen to cayly awai∣ters, for them and theyr company, amonge the noble Romayns, amounted to .ii. poyse grotes, and a halfe grote, or .x. pence of the olde coynage.
  • Stater argenteus,
    was a coyne of halfe an ounce weight, and was also callid Siclus & Terradragmon.
  • Striatus, ta, tum,
    imbowid or made with rid∣ges and furrowes, or lyke vnto it.
  • ¶Symphitum,
    an herbe callyd Comfrye.
  • Sysimbrium,
    horsemynte as I suppose.
  • Sysymbrium cardanine,
    water eresses.