The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
    ¶G, Ante E.
  • GEbenna,
    a hyll and towne in Sauoy, nowe called Geneura.
  • Gedeon,
    the name of a iuge in Israel.
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    is taken in holy scripture for hell.
  • Gela,
    a ryuer in Syetle.
  • Gelabilis, le,
    that maye be frosen.
  • Gelasco, scere,
    to be frosen.
  • Gelasini,
    the Fooreteethe, whiche be she∣wed in laughynge.
  • Gelasinus,
    he that laugheth to make other men laughe.
  • Gelicidium,
    a froste.
  • Gelidus, a, um,
    colde as yse.
  • Gelo, aui, are,
    to freese.
  • Geloi,
    fyeldes in Sycile.
  • Geloni,
    a people nowe callyd Tartariens.
  • Gel,
    vse, sommetyme colde.
  • Gemellas,
    lyttell or smalle twynnes.
  • Gemibundus,
    full of waylynge.
  • Geminus, a, um,
    the noumbre of two. Also geminus, is a twynne, where many chyl∣dren are borne at one burdeyne, althoughe they be thre or mo. Also it is the name of a man, whiche in hebrewe is Thomas.
  • Gemino, aui, are,
    to double.
  • Gemma,
    the yonge budde of a vyne. Also a precious stone.
  • Gemmo, aui, are,
    to budde or sprynge, as a yonge graffe or vyne dothe.
  • Gemmascere,
    to begynne to budde.
  • Gemmatus, a, um,
  • Gemo, mui, ere,
    to grone, or to wayle, or to make a lamentable noyse.
  • Gemoniae scalae,
    a place frome whense the bodyes of personnes condempned were throwen downe.
  • Gemo••••,
    women great with chylde.
  • Gemmsa,
    a corne, or lyke griefe vnder the yttell too.
  • Gena,
    the eye lydde. It is sommetyme ta∣ken for the chekes.
  • Genauius, a, um,
  • Genelogia,
    a pedegrewe.
  • Gener,
    he that maryeth my doughter.
  • Generalis, le,
  • Generatim,
  • Genero, aui, are,
    to ingender.
  • Generosus, a, um,
    of a gentyl or noble kind.
  • Genesis,
  • Genethliacus,
    an astronomer, or other lyke, whiche by the sterres set at a mannes nati∣uitie, telleth his fortune.
  • Genialis homo,
    a manne in his house verye lyberall and freshe.
  • Geniculatim,
    ioynted, as a wheate straw is.
  • Geniculum,
    the ioynt of a strawe, or stalke of an herbe.
  • Genista,
  • Genitalis, le,
    pertayning to the byrthe of a man. genitale solum, the naturall countrey or place, where a manne is borne. genitalis dies, the daye of natiuitie. genitale semen, the sede of generation, genitalia, the mem∣bres of generation.
  • Genimen,
  • Genitor,
    a father.
  • Genitrix,
    a mother.
  • Genitura,
    sometyme generation, sometyme the sede of generation.
  • Genitiuus, a, um,
    that hath power to ingen∣der, or that whiche procedeth with gene∣ration. genitiuae notae, markes, wherewith a man is borne.
  • Genitus, ta, tum,
    begotten, ingendred.
  • Genius,
    an aungell. Amonge the Paynims some supposed it to be the spirite of a man. Some dydde put two gouernours of the sowle, a good and an euyll, Bonus genius, & malus genius, whyche neuer departed from vs. sometyme it is taken for nature it selfe, or dilectation meued by nature.
  • Genii,
    men, whiche do gyue all their studye to eatynge and drynkynge.
  • Geniae,
    olde veckes full of vnhappynes.
  • Genio dare operam,
    to lyue voluptuousely.
  • Genium defraudare,
    to absteyne from all thynges pleasaunt.
  • Genocha,
    a beast lasse than a fox, of colour betwene blacke & yelow, medlid with black spottes, whiche wyll soone be made tame.
  • Gens, gentis,
    a people, sometyme a kinred.
  • Gentiana,
    an herbe callyd Gencyan.
  • Gentilis,
    a kynseman of the same name and stocke. sometyme it signyfyeth a gentyle or paynyme. somtyme a countrey man.
  • Gentilis, le,
    propre, or familyar to that peo∣ple, or kynrede.
  • Gentilitas, tatis,
    gentilitie, the multitude of the people or famyly.
  • Gentilitium nomen,
    the surname or ancyent name of a mans auncetours.
  • Gentilitius, a, um,
    of the people or nation, gentilitia sacra, ceremonyes of that coun∣trey or people.
  • Genu,
    a knee.
  • Genua,
    a great cite callid Geane.
  • Genuini,
    the innermoste cheke teethe.
  • Genuinus sermo,
    the natural speche or mo∣ther tunge.
  • Genus, generis,
    is the begynnynge of eue∣rye thynge, eyther of the persone that in∣gendred it, or of the place, where it was ingendred. Orestes a Tantalo ducit genus, Orestes hathe his begynnynge of Tanta∣lus, or is of the bloudde of Tantalus. Pla∣to genere Atheniensis est, Plato is of his bloudde or auncetrye an Athenyens. Al∣so it sygnifieth kynde. genus uitae, a kynd of lyfe. genus mortis, a kynd of deth. genus a∣nimalium, a kynde of beastes. Also it signi∣fieth that, whiche conteineth many sondry Page  [unnumbered] kyndes, as Animal comprehendeth a man, a byrde, a fyshe, and euery of them is genus to that, whiche in theym is comprehended. As a brute beast is genus to a horse, a lyon, a bulle, a dogge, &c. A byrde is genus to an egle, a crowe, a larke, a sparowe. &c. A fishe is genus to a whale, a porpese, a haddocke, a playce. &c.
  • Geographia,
    the description of the erth.
  • Geomancia,
    superstitious warkinge in sor∣cerye, by cerkles and prickes in the erthe.
  • Geometer,
    a geometritian.
  • Geometria,
    geometry, measuring and pro∣porcionyng of fygures in the erthe.
  • Georgica,
    pertaynynge to husbandry.
  • Germani,
    Germaynes, or Almayns, They be also bretherne of one father and oone mother.
  • Germania,
    the countrey named Germany, or Almayne.
  • Germen, minis,
    a branche of a tree or herbe.
  • Germino, aui, are,
    to branche out.
  • Gero, gessi, gerere,
    to beare. sometyme it signifieth to haue.
  • Gerere magistratum,
    to exercise an offyce.
  • Gesta, & gestaetes,
    actes, thynges practised or doone.
  • Gerrae siculae,
  • Gerres,
    fyshe of the kynde of herrynges, it may be called pylchardes.
  • Gerrones,
    talkers of tryfelyng thinges, or lyght matters.
  • Gerulus,
    a porter, or a man hyred to carye bourdeynes.
  • Gerula,
    a mayde that kepeth a chylde.
  • Gerusia,
    a place where the Senate dyd as∣semble, a parlyament house.
  • Geryon, onis,
    the name of a king of Spain, whiche was slayne by Hercules.
  • Gesa,
    a haulberde.
  • Gessoriacum,
    as some men do suppose, was the towne, whiche is now named Caleys.
  • Gestamen, minis,
    what soo euer is borne, a burdeyn or caryage.
  • Gestatorium,
    that wherin any thyng is ca∣ried or borne, a flagon, a horse lytter.
  • Gestatio,
    the exercise, where a man is borne or caried on any thinge.
  • Gesticularius, a, um,
    pertaynyng to sygnes or tokens of myrthe, with meuyng the bo∣dy or handes.
  • Gesticulator,
    he that playith with puppett{is}.
  • Gesticulor, aris,
    to make suche sygnes or tokens of myrthe, as in daunsynge.
  • Gestio, iui, ire,
    to shewe the affections of the mynde by meuyng of the body, or any part therof▪ somtyme it signifieth to delite.
  • Gestito, taui, are,
    to beare or were oftētimes
  • Gesto, aui, are,
    to beare longe. Gestat ventrē, she to with chylde.
  • Gestuosus,
    full of tokens of myrthe.
  • Gestus, ta, tum,
    borne, or done.
  • Gestus, u,
    gesture, or coūtenance with me∣nynge of the body.
  • Getuli,
    a people in Affrike.