The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
    ¶D ante R.
  • DRachma, ae,
    a poise or weyght, pon∣derynge .lx. where cornes, taken out of the myddes of the eare. Also a coyne of Athenes, signed with a bullocke.
  • Draco, nis
    a dragon.
  • Draconarius,
    a standerde bearer.
  • Dracones,
    of Plinie be taken for old bran∣ches of vynes. also it is an herbe, which is otherwise called Pyretum, it bourneth and byteth the tongue, as welle the lease as the roote.
  • Draconites,
    a precious stone, taken out of the heed of a dragon, whyle he lyueth.
  • Dracontium,
    an herbe called dragons.
  • Dracunculus,
    a lyttell dragon.
  • Dragma,
    a grype or hande full.
  • Dracontia,
    an herbe called dragons.
  • Drama, matis,
    where in a comedy or inter∣lude, dyuers personages be broughte in, some abydyng, some departynge.
  • Drangiana,
    a prouince in Asia the more.
  • Drepanum,
    the name of a citie.
  • Dromedarius,
    a beaste lyke to a camell, but of a wonderfull swiftenes.
  • Dromus,
    the place where men do rounne horses.
  • Drupae,
    a kynde of olyues.
  • Drusus,
    the name of a Romayne, of ryght noble lynage, and eloquence: but he was proude and ambicious.
  • Dryas,
    the propre name of a man of Thes∣saly, frende of Nestor.
  • Dryades,
    were fairies of woddes.
  • Dryidae,
    siue Druidae, were in the olde tyme religious, or rather superstitious persones in Fraunce, whiche vsed arte magike.
  • Drylon,
    a ryuer of Dalmacie.
  • Drymodis,
    afterwarde Pelasgus, is nowe called Archadie.
  • Dryos,
    slyme growynge in okes.
  • Drypetae,
    a kynde of olyues.