The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
    C, Ante Y.
  • CYamea,
    a stone, whiche beinge bro∣ken, is lyke to a beane.
  • Cyaneae, or Cyanitae,
    Ilandes or ra∣ther rockes vnder Thrace Bosphore.
  • Cyaneus, a, um, & Cianus, a, um,
    a brighte blewe colour, or blunket.
  • Cyathus,
    a cuppe. it is also a measure, con∣taynynge as moche as a reasonable manne may drynke at one draught.
  • Cybele & cybeles,
    was the wyfe of Sa∣turne, & was named of painims, the moder of the goddes, whiche hath dyuers other names, as it shall appere in their places.
  • Cyclades,
    yles in the greke see.
  • Cyclas, cladis,
    a womans kyrtell.
  • Cyclus,
    a rounde place in Athenes, where thynges were sold. Also a coyne or poyse.
  • Cyclops, clopis,
    an auncient people, inhabi∣tynge the yle of Sycile, which were lyke gyauntes, hauynge but oone eye in theyr foreheed.
  • Cydnus,
    a ryuer of Sicile, the water wher∣of was meruaylous colde. and as Plinie sayth, auayleable for the goute in the fete Cydon, one of the notablest townes of Candy.
  • Cygnus,
    a swanne.
  • Cylindrus,
    an instrument, wherwith menne do beate floores, or doo ramme with. Also euery thinge that tourneth about quyckly. Also stones rounde and longe lyke beade stones, called langattes.
  • Cylindraceus, a, um,
    in the fourme of a langatte.
  • Cyllene,
    a hylle of Archadie, where they say Mercurius was nouryshed.
  • Cyllenius,
    one of the names of Mercury.
  • Cylydros,
    a serpent that rolleth hym selfe, as he gothe.
  • Cyma,
    yonge colewortes. Also the tender parte of the stalke of euery herbe.
  • Cymatilis,
  • Cymba,
    a boote.
  • Cymbalum,
    an instrument of musike.
  • Cymbalistae,
    they that play vpon cymbals.
  • Cymbium,
    a pece or cup to drynke wine in.
  • Cyminum,
  • Cyminus,
    a laake in Italy.
  • Cynaethium,
    a citie of Archadie.
  • Cynanche,
    a syckenes called the squynce, whiche is in the throte and iawes.
  • Cynegetica,
    volumes wryten of huntynge.
  • Cynici,
    a sect of phylosophers, whych li∣ued in pouerte without shame, like doggis.
  • Cyniphes,
    biting gnattis with long legges.
  • Cynocephalus,
    a beaste hauynge the bodye lyke to an ape, and the heed lyke a dogge. Also people vnder the greate cane, hauing heedes lyke dogges.
  • Cynoglossa,
    an herbe callid houndes rūge.
  • Cynomia,
    dogge flyes, whiche doo souke bloode from a beaste.
  • Cynorrhodos,
    the floure of Eglantyne.
  • Cynos,
    in latyne is canis, a dogge. Also a citie in Locris.
  • Cynosbatum,
    a thorne, the leafe wherof is lyke the steppe of a mans fote, and hathe blacke bearies like to grapes.
  • Cynosura,
    a figure of sterres in heuen, cal∣led Vrsa minor.
  • Cynozoon,
    a stynkynge herbe.
  • Cynthia,
    one of the names of the moone.
  • Cyparissus,
    a cypresse tree.
  • Cypirus & cyperis,
    an herbe, hauyng lea∣ues lyke sedges, also a rote like to ginger.
  • Cyprium aes,
    copper, mettall.
  • Cyprus,
    an yle callyd cypers.
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    a great shyppe, or carrike.
  • Cyrene, nes,
    a famouse cytie in Libia. Also a citie in the yle of cypers.
  • Cyreneus,
    a man of that citie.
  • Cyrnus,
    the yle whiche is callid Corsica, or Corse.
  • Cyrnea,
    a goblette to drynke wyne in.
  • Cyrrhea,
    a citie in the mountayne of He∣lycon.
  • Cyrrus,
    the name of .ii. ryuers, one in Ar∣menia, the other in Media.
  • Cyrus,
    the name of diuers kinges in Persi.
  • Cyssus,
    a kynde of yuye, that groweth a∣lone. also the name of a ryuer.
  • Cythera, plural.
    an yle agaynste Candy.
  • Cytheron,
    an hylle in Boeotia.
  • Cytisus,
    an herbe, whiche is good to gyue to cattell agaynst the rotte.
  • Cyzicus,
    the name of an Ile by Grece.