The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght
Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.
    ¶O, ANTE X.
  • OXygala,
    sower mylke.
  • Oxygarum,
    sharpe sawce.
  • Oxylapathon,
  • Oxymeli,
    honye and vynegre sodden to∣gyther.
  • Oxyporon,
    sharpe sawce.
  • Oxyporopola,
    he that selleth meat in sharp sauce, or sowce.
  • Oxysaccharum,
    suger and vynegre sodden togither, of somme menne called Syrupus acerosus symplex.
  • Oxytoca,
    medicines to make a womanne to brynge forth hyr byrthe quyckely.